So, Friday night, FRED took a holiday. There was so much stuff going on the Victoria day weekend, I just didn't feel like throwing another option to the pile -- one that will be having some special events of its own soon anyway. I did, however, spend the evening on a bit of a pub-crawl, gogin first with my co-worker Joao to the Garage in central Richmond (The manager is a friend of his, and she seems more glad than standard bar-owner-to-semi-regular to see me when I come in -- though what, really, do I know of such things?), then north for a fuller dinner at Jester's Grill and Taproom downtown. I was curious to see what is was like on a Friday when the Canucks were not a factor. Still busy, but a FRED of the size it is now could conceivably be held there. We wouldn't have a lot of growth-space until after 9:30, though, and come the hockey season, we would still need a fallback point, as those who went there that ill-fated Friday can strongly attest.
Finally, I made my way to Organix, to hear
sciencequeen's début as a trance DJ. She's gone to FRED a couple of times, and was surprised and pleased to learn that I had encouraged others to forgo the usual night for her. And a lot of people did come, if not a lot of my crowd, certainly many I recognized.
So what did I think of Steph's set? Well, words fail me at describing music, so if you'll pardon my geekdom, I'll let
former Dancitron DJ Soundwave (No, not the one from Sanctuary, sadly.
The other one)
do the talking for me.
And truth be told, psytrance isn't usually my thing. Got nothing against it, not at all, but it doesn't draw me to the floor the way that darker, more percussive EBM can. I tend to go to Organix more for the people than the music. It's a very good development that I can now do both. :)
All in all, a good night. Though sleep proved elusive... more on the repercussions later.
Oh, and watch this journal. I will be talking about this coming Friday real soon. I want to spread the word far and wide, for this shall be two special events in a row.... :)