
Ficlet prompt requests

Feb 03, 2008 03:46

I feel like, since NaNo, I haven't really written anything. Which is not true, as I've produced four fics and a load of ficlets, but none of it I feel especially inspired by, save one of the fics and even that only barely. Anyway. I'm going to try a little ficlet prompt thinige, maybe I can get some insiration. This usually works by me asking for a pairing and a prompt. Sometimes this works, sometimes this doesn't. In the past, I have written everything I've been requested to, or cut off the limit at 10, but I've failed the last few times I've done prompt requests, so I'm being more lenient this time. You can request as many pairings/prompts as you want, but understand I'll only write the ones that inspire me. >_> Which may end up being none at all.

Note I am most currently interested in Blake's 7 right now, and those requests are more likely to be written, but I will humor classic Doctor Who requests too for Doctor eras 1 - 6. I know it's easy to ask me to write something off the wall like Three/Nyssa, but please bear in mind I'm using this as a writing excercise so prompts and pairings that might actually inspire me are preferred. (Gen requests are also accepted.) BUT PLEASE INCLUDE A PROMPT. It can be one word, a sentence, a line of dialogue, whatever.

Cheers. @_@


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