Here are several pictures of me in my Power Ranger costume because I am vain and had to wait seventeen years to wear this and also because I want to show the costume off. And. STUFF. I will probably take MOAR pictures in the future and post EVEN MOAR pictures of it. But that's not until later. For now, these are some of the ones we took last night.
Such is the life of a costumer. :D
Still got some weight that needs to come off dat ass.
Blue Ranger photobombs
urchinmoppet :D
azelmaroark and checking email at the party from last night, ahahaha:
Okay. That's enough. Thanks to
urchinmoppet for taking most of these pictures.
Hope everyone is having a ~fabulous~ Halloween. Stay safe everyone! I'm off to a another party and some trick or treating in a few hours myself. :D