I know I haven't updated this in forever, but I need to be heard. Really, I do.

Nov 08, 2008 14:58

Jesus, as if the real life drama were not enough, I have to come online and find it too.

Makes me wonder if the anonymity of the internet is REALLY a license to act like you're fifteen all of the time when you're, say, in your twenties or, even worse, IN YOUR FUCKING THIRTIES.

Really. People. Let's JUST NOT. Okay?

The more I'm on the internet now-days, the more I hate it. I know very few people on line, and if you're reading this you might wonder how it's possible for someone who spends most of her time on the internet to talk like this.

Well, let's say that a while ago, I was part of an online community that sucked me in and when I finally was out of it through an incident that was mostly of my own causing, I was SCARED to be on an IRC client. Now I am back on IRC, and am paranoid whenever a nick I recognize comes into the channel.

Funny, I have just realized that the stress isn't worth it now. Great how that works, neh?

Please excuse the language but FUCK YOU ALL. FUCK all of you who made me into the internet bitch I am today.

FUCK all of you who ruined rp for me, which includes people in RL as well as online.

And, most definitely, FUCK EVERYONE WHO KEEPS DIGGING UP MY BITTER FEELINGS. It's been eight months now, I need to be over this and on with my life.

That is all. You may see this rant elsewhere as well. I'm posting it as many places as I can. I'm tired of being silent and compliant.
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