Sleepless Nights of Suicidal Contemplation...

Sep 02, 2007 01:03

Mind swarm once again, alone with my thoughts.

Perfect Isolation.

Slowly, steadily...

What is important matters most.

Sex is dead.

I've been trying to take the required/appropriate medicaation, gettiing the right help, exercise and all...

I think i have arrived at the realization that summer has gone by too fast. In the end, there are no boundaries. The distance travelled expels the speed of fright.
Who are you, here to tell me, what to think?

Not that I wholeheartedily enjoy the schorching season myself, but tis a sign, the time approaches, the final season off guard. Soaring highs, treacherous lasting lows, who knows how bad it'll be this time.

Still many nights haunt me and beyond the quadrant nothing compares, yet we all possess the form of phobia.

Shows o plenty. Friendships have sunk upon seas of nothingness. Tis a pity she's a whore.
Scorpions, amazing.
The Autumn: Van Halen, Type O Negative, Therion, and the rest i doth detest.

And after our last reconcile, still i feel, you haven't a clue who I am. Do I know myself? No attachments. No Willingness.

There reside, they exist, in the dark and deep inside, 7 souls clinging, 7 souls a singing,
within me
the fear
the damage done

And in the final hour, he hath striven for a heart.
The story of my life.
Tis a small world.
Jealousy, a snake like substance as someone so majestically put it aeons ago.
Truth be told.
Popularity contest.

A dear friend of a friend remains faceless. There are no fair fights anymore. 3 broken bones, surgery required. Beyond angst, and to think, i may have gotten him into this mess. He turned to hip hop b/c of me, I turned to industrial/metal likewise. And I think to msyelf, what a horrible world.
But it could've been anyone. Place and time. Near death experience. A life remains... but shattered. race wars?

-The U.S provided $30 billion to Israel this past year. Democracy? Health care? Freedom?

Further Eloboration not required here. yet.
Shall I return?
The butter churns...

Goodbye cruel world...

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