Winter has officially begun as of today. Freeze my lovelies. Dwell within your hibernating fixtures! While I may roam and embrace the beauty that is. Volkerball apparently came out this week but perhaps I shall venture to the records tore to make sure (one of the few things I actually want as a gift). Somehow it just isn't the same band as what I experienced as a lad. Sure the stage and professionalism is massive but the sound is more controlled? Such is artistic progression and evolution. A Natural process? Perhaps. Tis the corporate giants and greed that destroys something special. It should be a great DVD regardless. Another piece to my massiv collection of all things STEIN!
Catherine threw me off guard earlier this week. Those Pisces are fascinating creatures. Had a dream pertaining to her and the city, revelations of initial thoughts, impressions and motives, past situations, opening up. Some of it's changed then what we planned from the start. Patience? Growth through such a season?
Back to artisitc progression, something immensely evident within myself and the friends I create music with has been blossoming more and more. I shall keep the name as is for now (rings a slight chime in the morbid scene) until any further required, dire contemplation. Victor is a busy fella endowed with lessons, symphonies and all, knows a few songs but I don't think he will play any of the upcoming shows without a firm grasp of the chunk of any given setlist. That's right, I've started booking again. One gig may emerge as early as by the end of January. Meanwhile, the gold has been pouring forth onward, suprisingly with minor but great contributions from others along with my own load. Well at least 2 albums worth of material thus far. Everything stands divided or clustered into appropriate concept groups and boxes. There's more power, beauty, structure even catchiness to an extent dare i say? Overall a sense of perfection to everything thus far....should get interesting after the New Year!
I must attend some house chores that have been bestowed upon me. I must seem slightly productive through the brief periods during I reside in this house. Then a lovely trip to that damned Suburban cesspool of a mall to finish my shopping and afterwards to Kult Fridays at Funhaus for cheap piss!
Merry commercialization. This holiday tree debate? What a fucking joke. This is what happens when you fill peoples heads with this multiculturalism bullshit. Getting different races and cultures to cooperate on one shared land? Will never work out to perfection. Muslims celebrate their Ramadan. Jews have Hanukkah. Nobody complains. Then when they want to experience a white, Christian holiday, they get all bitchy claiming it's unequal, racist and all. It's interesting to know the motives. Cluster everyone, create mutts while certain races will remain pure and adhere to their traditions. That is precisely what is happening in this country. Government allows entire families from Asia or the Middle East, while one man from Poland per se (a country so economically raped) can't even get a fucking Visa. That's the only reason they keep this holiday though. Presents, commercialization. Someone actually makes profit of it and there is nothing more to it than that.
Good day.
You scored as Black Metalist. You love black metal the most, you like to study a lot about paganism, atheistsm and satanism, you are intelligent and know that devil worship is gay, you are also intelligent in making your own point of views especially in religion and politics.
Black Metalist
Funeral Doom Metalist
Heavy Metal/Old School
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Thrash Metalist
Power Metalist
Progressive Metalist
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