Maturity? Wisdom and the Realities of Life/World....20 in the 21st

Sep 10, 2006 23:01

Over this past weekend i celebrated my 20th anniversary of life (or as the norm would call it "birthday"). Twenty years upon this dreaded sphere, many joys, many pains. Highschool practically flew right before my very fucking eyes. A joke as far as real education goes, but all in all it was fun. Throughout the years I've experienced a few extreme measures, ventures i suppose you can say a person of such an age normally wouldn't. Oh well, experience is now there however there's this slight feeling...almost an exhausted breath, perhaps even a groan, makes one kind of feel like an old man. I guess I have to keep reinventing the wheel, finding new ways, expecting the unexpected, constant new kicks from time to time and all.
But alas I am also glad I've semi-successfully grown out of the teenage bollocks. Fun or stupid, even tormenting as it may have been at times, it's something i could not possibly bear for extensive amounts of time. Enjoy it while it lasts. The time is drawing near for me, being 3rd year and all, to finally specify a direction in this world. Musically, my vision is nearly crystal clear, but it's just finishing the education and entering the carreer world, securing a respectable position, one that you enjoy, which requires your skill to pay off and make a living to support more greater, interesting things you burn with passion for.

I returned to the bitch that is York last Friday. Turns out the same prof. teaches both my Comm. research and Advertising/Society. Seems alright with a tint of sarcasm. Picking on me the first a friendly manner. I shall wait a week or so to attain my required reading materials. The lineups at this point as some may know or beyond human comprehension. That and i know half the books aren't even in. Kind of makes it hard to stay on track and all but that's York for you. Unorganized, leaving you to grasp, squealing in your own shit, taking the proper measure to ensure their own people advance and get ahead of the rest. I took 5 courses this time. Think i can handle it. Needless to say, the schedule that ended up being planned out turned out better than i expected. Monday and Tuesday i'm there from AM until about mid afternoon. Weds+Thurs are off and friday i have 2 classes (with that same prof) until 2:30 PM. All in all, time is there to accomplish plenty.

After this weekend's rehearsals, Dave and I (as always) were correct. Mike, returning from the Dominican Republic ( a week of a secure hotel stay - too scared to venture into the wild- at least he brought back some Marlboros), forgets a few crucial parts in a couple of songs and totally KILLS the vibe for this new slow groovy/doom song Davey and I hammered out. It's just beyong belief. What good is ana amazing drummer if his memory is totally fried??
I question whether this is genetic for him or perhaps something occured in his childhood. Maybe a talk to Mommy and Daddy will answer a few questions. He's an alright guy but this kind of shit really irritates me at times and degrades my confidence in the musical performance (in terms of backing drums). I'll wait it out and try to accomplish something with him by mid october then see what happens. I've put shows to a halt for now (unless i find the confidence in enough of our slower stuff + covers - that is if people learn- and i'll book that outdoor Woodbridge gig) for after a solid month of writers block, 3 Dark, epic beauties have been splendidly crafted by myself. Time to record it all on synth and see what approach we take with the others. Half a dozen tracks... I'm hoping everything is tight by X-mas the latest.

This week school really begins i'm guessing. I have to retype my resume and send it out to a few places (Royal Bank is first on the list), the store just isn't cutting it for me anymore. Too cold, Too old. I really need to move on. Possibly search for some kind of community/school hours so I can get into that Education/Teaching program in the next year or 2. My haul from Gregs distro finally came in as well. 5 cds (each usually costing at least $30 at HMV) for $90.
Mortiis- Stargate
Immortal- Pure Holocaust
Craft - Fuck the Universe
Manowar - Warriors of the World
Zyklon - World ov Worms

As far as show attendance goes, I shall keep it to a minimum. I have learned a few things about the primary promoter within this joke of a metal "scene" we have and i do not fully support it/him. Iron Maiden, possibly Celtic Frost, Cannibal Corpse, Primus, Dark Funeral, and Nargoroth, maybe one or 2 local shows as well, are all i see myself attending until Spring time.

I am quickly coming to closure with my reading of the Protocols. The contents are atrocious, the strategies; morbid yet so precisely planned and already effective it makes any goyim cringe. Controversy has been sparked on and off about this, but as Henry Ford once even said, "Truth or not, what the Protocols state is exactly occuring within the economy today"...and that is well enough. To question the validity ofthe author, but one must question all those who deny even more so. Is there a future? the world seems dead today. I just hope people manage to attain brains and recognize who runs what in this shithole, and take as much extreme measures as humanly fucking possible. Greed and ruling with rape only get one so far, tools of pity, press and manipulation become recognized and every few centuries as it has been from time and time again, the time will come.

To my longing, beloved Bob...I truly appreciate your birthday greetings. It made my day, believe it you or not. I hope all is well on your end and that your folks took care of matters for the best of their and your behalf. What do i want? Want is the human grasping hand, materialism, the dream like sequence that runs through us all. I want things that cannot be attained in this current state of the world today. The things I need, most of them i already possess and hope you do as well happily but given recent discussion with you, i possibly doubt and wish ye well with. Reflecting on many families and friends who have been torn apart, i myself take things for granted sometimes and i am growing out of that state more and more. I am grateful for what i have and cherish it. Many in conditions far worse than yours have made me realize this up front. Health, family, shelter, trust among close friends (not many but family can be incl). With you I plead for forgiveness and another chance of reigniting our once distant (hopefully change that from time to time), but well maintained friendship.

On hell of a post but i shant post here for a while! Autumn is drawing near...i think my condition shall improve (last year it was the opposite of my traditional yearly decline).

Yours truly,

the tIN Man (Martin, Malice, Marty w/e the fuck ye wish to refer to me as for the next 20 years)
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