My entries are all pathetic and EMO. So to avoid this one, I'm going to set you all a challenge to write about at least two of four topics and you have to do it, on pain of death. I will then add a little example, on a completely unrelated topic so you cannot steal my ideas. Or maybe I'll put the example first. You'll just have to read and see. Now...I'm just going to find divine inspiration...
1. Modems
2. Sean Connery impressions.
3. Monopoly
4. Guns
See that list there? That is your task people. Tell me about these things. I want to know!
Now, I will grace you all with this pointless rubbish about:
- Spandex
- Finland
- Coke cans
- Fire Blankets
I'll start with the textile-y bit. Did you now that some fire blankets are made from aramid fibres, which means you are putting out fires with something that can be used as body armour, and also a substitute for asbestos. You cannot put out fires with Spandex. To do so would have this kind of result:
It's like a poem....Yeah that would be a really slow and painful way to die, so never use your spandex-clad self to put out a fire. In fact, avoid fires. Just don't jump on them because the result is really not worth it. Your eyeballs will explode and your skin will melt and mix with the slow-burning, melting spandex and you will most certainly die, and may indeed end up looking like this:
That's Denethor the Fireball, in case you were wondering.
Next exciting post - Finland and the many different uses for an empty Coke can!