(no subject)

Nov 18, 2005 13:11

Well here i am..

I have been so depressed lately

I dont like my new job, only thing is the pay.
Its boring and i dont think i like the way the company is
We have to do 6 weeks of training on the COMPUTER!
Reading a paragraph then taking a test on it. GAY GAY GAY
I dont learn that way and i dont think its fair.

I miss my old job, which i can never go back to because management thought i was "annoying" because i reported problems, so they found a lame as excuss to fire me. So that door is shut permanently

My family and i are so freakin poor its not funny. we have one car.
My dad and mom get up at 6 my mom takes my dad to work 3 hours early(he works an hour away btw)
then mom goes to work.
I get on the bus 3 hours before my shift starts take 3 diff busses, all smelly and nasty. With ghetto ass people all around me. then i get to work and HATE it. On top of it all NO HEALTH INSURANCE FOR A YEAR!!!!!!! Anyway my mom has to drive to go get my dad after she gets out of work, (a two hour drive) then come to get ME from my shit job, and by the time we get home its 11:00 pm. Not even time for dinner.. which i dont care anyway, i havent been wanting to eat.

I've lost 10lbs in the past couple weeks because i literally have to FORCE myself to eat.
On top of all that, my tooth is broken and infected, and i have a nasty cough. cant afford to go to the doctors because we barely have enough as it is.

Its gonna be another holidays with nothing. no tree. no gifts. no nice dinners. not even my health. whoohoo... i say, "Wake me up when December ends!!!
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