Jun 17, 2008 15:05
You know i woke up that morning and everything started going to chaos. then all was quiet. the bus ride to school silent, the classes in school full of questioning kids trying to figure out the truth and what was going on. everything stopped. Flags went up, everyone came together. All thinking terrorists.
What if it wasn't terrorists? what if it was all a big lie and the government was the one that kill over 3000 people that day, not to mention the people that are still sick, and dieing from the abspestas (however you spell that). Why wont people ask questions? why are people in fear? Why isn't anyone doing anything to find answers. and why aren't we getting answers. Why is everything that relates to 9-11 deleted. Why is all the evidence vanishing about 9-11, what have they got to hide? what happened to freedom of information, and speech? the right to know? why is no one educated anymore?!
Those two towers did not come down from the planes but there is undenyable proof that they came down because they were brought down on purpose. Controlled demolition. The pane that supposively hit the pentagon and shanksville were not planes at all. there were no signs of there being a plane. No wrekage nothing. the hole in the pentagon was to small for a plane of the magnitude. not to mention a plane would not have made it all the way through the pentagon... Ask the questions, demand the answers. do something about it.