A/N: So...this is the birthday present I've been laboring over for
dysonrules, though it ended up being a bit late. Cause she's awesome and I love her. It's AS/S, NC17, and...passable, lol. It's far from my best work, though the plot (which came out of left-field and broadsided me) is really awesome. The sex scene is...okay. Again, far from my best work but not too bad. I'm just something of a perfectionist, lol. A huge thanks to Courtney Rutherford, who pre-read most of this (everything leading up to the sex-scene) and who spent an anguishing half-hour or so debating the merits of various Latin words with me in an attempt to come up with the perfect title for this piece. It means, roughly translated, "Unbroken Silence"...but there's no precise word for "Unbroken" so it's actually literally "Perpetual". Ah, well. Hope you like your present, Dyson! And anyone else who read it, lol. Comment and let me know! <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or anything associated with it. I don't own much of anything, actually. Don't sue; I don't have anything you'd want.