Title: Holding Hands
Pairing: TOP/Se7en
Rating: None
The sweet contact of bare skin and against skin is what happens when they are behind a closed door, the lock perfectly secure. Kissing is what happens when they are alone for shorter periods of time, but still in the able sight of their many friends. But holding hands, is reserved for all the time, no matter where they are. It is the severe constant intimate link that is always maintained between the pair. That small patch of skin connecting their hearts together, spread heat through out they're bodies, no matter where they were. And it intoxicated them, that feeling of love and lust continuously being transferred, that feeling of being whole. They envied no one, for they would always have each other.
Seunghyun was the first to start the hand holding, shy at first, holding his head down to the floor, as they both walked shoulder to shoulder through the hallways, their friends nodding and smiling as they passed by. Dong Wook found it as the most adorable thing in the world, to have someone younger try and 'court' him. The older did anything and everything to make it harder for the younger. Slipping his hand away playfully, always holding other things, anything to make the younger take more charge with what he wanted, and he succeeded.
It happened on a particularly regular day, the sun and clouds as normal as can be, the usual amount of stress filled the building. Dong Wook was laughing loudly at a joke that had just been told by Seungri, the younger bouncing around the room joyfully, waving his hands in the air, suddenly, the oldest and youngest in the room were on the floor, in a tangled mess of limbs, both still laughing loudly, along now with all of the others. Though, one remained calm, a raging storm hidden beneath a calm cloud of bright white. Soon the laughing died down, and the two were on their way up, and that's when it happened, the youngest's hand wrapped around the older's. And just like that Seunghyun was out of his seat, a hand firmly grasping the oldest's own, and out the door in a matter of seconds.
They kept walking until they were outside, but still away from the peering eyes of other people. "Don't do that." He spoke harshly, in his deep voice. Dong Wook looked puzzled, and it was instantly answered. "Don't flirt with anyone else, and especially don't let them hold your hand, even a small graze is against the rules." Seunghyun had a serious look in his eyes, instantly noticed by the older, automatically knowing he should obey at any cost. "Okay, I promise I won't let anyone else touch my hands." The oldest smiled with his full lips, causing another smile to catch on the younger's lips as well.
"We should probably go back inside." "Nah, we can stay here just a bit longer right?" Both laughed softly as their hands clasped together softly, and their lips joined ever so gently, and even though the kiss will end, the contact would never fall or waver.