My reaction to Merlin episode 4x05. Cut for spoilers and mindless squee.
OMG! Is that Merlin? Dressed as a knight?? ♥ Also RUN MERLIN, RUN! Why hello there Little John. Oh noes, Merlin, you're trapped! *smirk* "That's the idea." HAHA! Merlin, you smarmy bastard you!
Can I just state, once again, how much I dislike Agravaine.
OH BOYS! ♥ Listen to Merlin. He loves you with everything he has and just wants what's best for you. ♥♥
Oh poor Merlin. *tears* You just can't seem to cactch a break.
Agravaine, you're finally good for something: getting rid of Gwen. Now, if you can somehow kill both her and Morgana you may just make me like you.
Haha Arthur. Yes, I can see how your very 'controlled'. Oh no.
Urgh. Morgana. Can we please either kill her off or get the Morgana from season 1 & 2 back. How convenient. Your Gorlois' daughter when it suits yet yet you haven't thought of him once since you found out Uther was your real father.
"If you think I'm sharing this bed with you..." Oh boys. ♥ Stop denying your love or have you forgotten how Merlin woke you up not that long ago.
Okay three things; 1) Why must we have violin music every Arthur/Gwen scene? 2) It's not all about you Gwen! and 3) THANK FUCKING CHRIST!!!
Knights Merlin. ♥♥♥ OMFG! *dies* The look. THE LOOK. ♥♥♥♥ Gwen never stood a fucking chance cause THAT LOOK was full of love/want/need/desire/regret/sorrow AND A MILLION OTHER THINGS. I know it's hard to concentrate when you want to do nothing but bend Merlin over the nearest surface but go join your knights. Exercise a little restraint and spend some time with them. Then you can go and have rough sex with Merlin to prove that at that moment you're alive. After that you can take him slowly to prove your love.
Knights & Arthur. ♥♥♥ Elyan. ♥ Oh Arthur. ♥ It's okay to cry in front of your knights. They understand you have a lot of FEELINGS.
Oh boys. ♥♥♥
HAHAHA Merlin. You need to take extra lessons in stealth.
OMG! Is she going to make Merlin fight as Arthur's champion?? And have Morgana as her own?? IS IT GOING TO BE MERLIN VS MORGANA??? ARE WE GETTING OUR REVEAL?? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. *sighs* Sadly, no.
Oh poor Merlin. Arthur, it's not a sign of weakness to care about people.
Arthur, you stupid fucking noble son-of-a-bitch. Your selflessness is getting in the way of progress.
Oh boys. ♥♥ MERLIN. *tears* Arthur. Finally being the king we all know you are. ♥ MERLIN. *hugs* ♥♥ ARTHUR'S FACE! ♥♥ Standing there holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. Oh yeah, there's nothing going on between them.
Well done Merlin! Nice timing.
Percival. ♥ and Elyan. ♥
"Yes I sought revenge but that does not mean it was the right thing to do." Preach sister, preach.
"You came to me in the name of Gorlois but I fear you are more like Uther than you realised." Oh snap.
Oh boys. "You're a hero." "Thank you Merlin." "Not to me, to your people." Hahaha Merlin. "You're a cabbage-head." Hahahahaha *dies* How old are you again Merlin. Oh boys. ♥♥♥♥
You know the Arthur/Gwen romance scenes are much better on mute and with your eyes shut. Just saying.
BTW regarding next week: OMFG. Merlin in chains? Getting tortured? Trying to kill Arthur. OMFG. Is it Sunday yet??