May 08, 2004 21:46
Gabe and I went out to see Van Helsing last night. Good thing we got there early too because apparently the theatre sold too many tickets and people were camped out on the floor by preview time. Fun movie, but so unrealistic. I mean, come on, the whole vampire to weird human bat thing? So not true. Even the ubervamps didn't get that ugly and grotesque. And they couldn't fly. They can jump super high, but no flying. It'd be so much harder to stake them if they all moved like that. And all those teeth? Ew... And I thought the normal vamp faces were ugly. But then, if it's a Mummy director film, you have to have the big yawning mouths. Which isn't such a bad thing....
Werewolves were the coolest too. Nice to see them done well in a nice World of Darkness theme. Although the Silent Strider wolf looked funky with it's super pointed ears.
Then there was the thing of not being able to stop laughing whenever Dracula called Van Helsing Gabriel. Will have to dress Gabe up in the nice Matrixy leather look now. Would definately be nice.