It's a fic idea from a new member.

Jan 26, 2005 17:50

Ok, I don't know if this squicks anyone or not but I have an idea for a fic, it'll bug me unless I get it off my chest so I'm just goin to post it and see what I get(if anyone likes this or just needs ideas holler at me I'm very good with coming up with ideas for fics). It'll be a Harry Potter X-over so someone who likes HP would be a good person for this story, and likes Draco so. Ok, I don't really have a setting for this yet, but I'd kinda like to see a Draco/Spike fic, heck I wouldn't mind if it was a Spangel and Drarry fic. I just like the idea of throwin Spike and Draco together somehow. Hope someone likes it.

sorry if anyone prefers not to have this sorta thing posted on here, the community was recommended to me, said maybe someone on here would like to write it.

P.S. I don't write; that's why I posted it as a fic idea. However if anyone picks it up I'd love to beta. As would kseenaa. Thanks!
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