Chapter two: Said it Once

Mar 29, 2011 22:00

Title: Third time's a charmer
Pairing: Vam and others.
Rating: PG (so far)
Summary: Calling his name three times is all it took for them to be together.
Author's Notes: Its like a Beetlejuice (one of my fave moives)complex with a lil magic thrown in.

The drapes in Bam's room were pulled open and the afternoon sun shined in on his face. He groaned, hiding his face in his pillow. "Close those damn drapes." Bam yelled from his pillow.

"No, Bam. It's noon and you have a Demo in three hours." Ape said leaving the room.

Bam threw a mini tantrum for forgetting that he had a Demo today. Jumping out of bed and into the shower, he got wet quickly and shampooed his hair. Bam started to dance a bit as he did, from a song stuck in his head. But he stopped hearing what sounded like someone wiping the shower window. Turning around he saw a word...a name really, written in the fogged up shower door.

"V...Vil...Ville?" he whispered out loud, confused. He shook his head and wiped it away. "Probably from when Justin used my shower. Bet that's who he left me for." he said turning back to the spray of water to rinse away the shampoo in his hair. What Bam didn't see as he turned was the smiley face that drew itself on the shower door.

Getting out of the shower, toweling off and drying his hair, Bam grabbed the pair of black skater jeans that he'd worn yestarday, a fresh shirt and boxers, so he didn't have to listen to Ape complain, and a CKY hoodie and got dressed. Stomping down the stairs, ignoring Dunn and Novak staring at him, Bam went down to the kitchen, where Ape handed him a warm cup of coffee as he sat down at the table.

"Morning," she said. Bam held in the wince as she rubbed his sore shoulder. "Dunn told me about last night." she added, turning to the toaster as a pair of chocolate waffles popped up.

"Figured." Bam said sipping his coffee.

"Let me see your hand." She said, putting the waffles on a plate and setting them in front of Bam with the syrup and a fork.

"I'm fine, Ape. Really." Bam said, tiring apart one of the waffles.

Do it. The soft deep voice said.

"Did you hear that?" Bam asked looking up at Ape.

"Hear what, Bam?" Ape asked raising an eyebrow.

"That voice!" Bam yelled, standing up.

"No, Brandon. The only voice I hear is yours." Ape replied. "Now, let me see your hand."

Bam huffed as he shoved his hurt hand toward Ape. She looked at it front to back. "It doesn't look bad. But I want you to put some Silver Sulfadiazine cream on it before you leave for your Demo. It'll help any discomfort and help it heal faster." Bam nodded, picking up his still whole waffle and going back upstairs.

"I'm worried about Bam, Phil." Ape said as Phil came in from checking the mail.

"Why? What he do now?" Phil asked.

"He's hearing voices."


Bam crammed his board and bag into the passanger seat of his BMW. He adjusted his rearview mirror and yelled seeing someone in the backseat. He turned around, "GET THE HELL OUT...." There was no one there. "..of my car." he gulped, turning back around. Bam panted as his heart raced. He slowly glanced back into his rearview expecting to see whoever it was again, but the back was still empty. He took a deep breath,

"Get a hold on yourself, Bam." he said, shifting into drive.


Walking into the restuant that he said that he'd meet the crew at after his Demo, Bam looked around for them. Finding them in their usual booth, he went over.

"Hey man! How was the demo?" Jimmy Pop asked.

"It was good, didn't even eat it this time." Bam said glanceing at the menu. The waiter came up to take thier orders, Bam looked up at him, glancing at his name tag, it said...Ville. Shaking his head, Bam looked back at the name tag, but it changed, now it said, Vlad. "Must be going out of my mind." Bam said.

"Excuse me?" Vlad asked looking at Bam.

"Nothing, I just read your name wrong. I'll have the Marinara Manicotti and instead of Brocilli, can I have fries?" Bam asked.

"Yeah." Vlad nodded writing down Bam's order.

"Cool of Iced tea." Bam finished, handing his menu to Vlad. Vlad took his menu and the rest of the crew's orders. When Vlad left, they got on Bam's case.

"Read his name tag wrong!" Dunn laughed, "That's a lie. You were trying to hit on him."

"I was not!" Bam shot back.

"And what this, you ordering Iced tea? I've never seen you order that since I've known you." Jimmy said.

"I'm not in the mood for any alcohol or soda." Bam defended. The table erupted in laughter, getting snotty looks from near by tables and servers. Bam sunk into his seat as they continued to laugh at him.

"God, Bam. It hasn't even been two days since you and Justin broke up and your hitting on straight waiters and ordering better than usual." Seth laughed.

Not wanting to take it anymore, Bam got up and left the table to the restroom. "Oh, come on, Bam! We're just playin'." Jess called after him. Bam flipped him off as he pushed open the door to the restroom.

Bam locked himself in the handicap stall. He hide his face in his hands, trying to keep himself from crying.

Say my name 2 more time and I'll be yours. The voice said softer than the last times.

"Just leave me alone." Bam whimpered weakly. "I just want to be left alone." Bam jerked at the feeling of someone running their hand through his hair, but no one could have, he had checked the other stalls for people, they were empty, then he locked the main door into the bathroom, he was alone. "Stop!" Bam yelled, getting up and rushing out of the bathroom.

"Bam, What's wrong?" Dunn asked as Bam pushed past him.

"Nothing, just hungry." Bam called over his shoulder, going back to the table. He paused halfway to the table, took at breath, then continued calmly.

A short time later, their food came and the guys stopped picking on just Bam and started picking on each other. Bam pretty much, ignored them, picking at his food and thinking about what was happening to his life. Dropping his fork on his plate in a loud clank, he shot a mean look at Jimmy. "Stop fucking touching my leg." he barked.

"I'm not touching you, Bam. Look." Jimmy said pointing under the table.

Jimmy wasn't touching Bam, he was touching Jess and his hands were on the table. Dunn and Novak weren't, they were to far from him. He looked at Seth. Seth shook his head. "Not me." he said. Bam looked under the table and across to Seth. He was sitting cross legged in the booth. Bam closed his eyes and dropped his head.

"What's going on, Bam?" Jess asked his little brother.

"I'm just going out of my mind, Jess." Bam mumbled.

"You're already out of it." Novak laughed.

Jess slapped Novak, "Shut up." he snapped. "What do you mean, 'going out of my mind', Bam?"

"I'm seeing things, that aren't there. Hearing voices, that come from thin air. Feeling like someone keeps touching me." Bam expalined.

Jess frowned, feeling bad for his brother. Bam had been having a bad couple of months with all the demoing and break ups with guys he was dating. "Maybe you should take a break. Go on Vacation or something." he suggested, his voice faultering as the toe of Jimmy's shoe rubbed the inside of his thigh. "It can't be doing any good for you to keep breaking up with guys, then coming home to see Dunn and Novak making out on the couch and seeing me and Jimmy fool around."

Bam chewed on his lip, Jess was right. It wasn't doing him any good being around them, when their relationships were going so much better than his. Maybe he should take a vacation somewhere far away. But where was the question. Somewhere warm, he thought. It was winter in West Chester and the cold was starting to annoy the hell out of him. Today was his last demo, for a couple of months, so he could go anywhere for as long as he wanted. The Caribbean maybe.

Bam nodded at Jess, "You're right. I do need a vaca." he said. "I think I'll make a flight somewhere, when I figure where, and stay there a while." His group of friends nodded in agreement and support.

third time's a charmer

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