Baby Pie

Jun 03, 2004 16:19

Today was a tiring day. Stupid school! First pool wipes the happy fun energy out of me. That's why I look drunk at lunch, so anyways I passed pool. Not really hard. lol Now about passing I had an English exam and my mind was what the fuck o well Abaram your a slave now! Mwahahhawhaha! So yea failed that, but before that I had my Mandarin 2 final. It was a joke, but poor Laoshi had to make it special for our class. My class is the worst and the kids in it don't even bother with anything. I think we make her cry sometimes. Ever seen a Chinese lady cry? It aint pretty. lol Well anyways I got my kicks seeing Matt flipping his final over as soon as he got it. When Li Laoshi asked if he is done yet he said "yea and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a 100% if you grade on the effort at looking at pointless stuff.." Yea my class is funny, but rude. *blushes* I can't help that! What pisses me off is that my one friend who sits next to me is gonna skip the last class. I'm like damn it just stay and be with me so I can pet you. lol Yea I wish she'd stay cuz that's the only class I am in with her and without her I am serious! *shocked* lol I'll miss you Brittney. I'll probably call her later anyways. *weak smile* But than I probably wont. I hate phones. The very sound of them pisses me off. Or well hurts me ears. lol My inoccent ears!!!!!!! Wait I spell that right? O well! So yea I have finals coming up. I got a math final=failure, a Science final=pssh complete failure, an English final=hopeful, and a Social Studies final= maybe. So yea I got review sheets and all this bullshit to help me learn, but I figure if I didn't get it than why would I now? Ohh! That reminds me. I didn't get a D in Science. I turned in one paper and got a C- Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! But I have a D in math so I'll probably turn shit in for that and see what the magic bitch will give me. Better be a fucking C! Ok sorry angry. I'm just happy it's close to summer. I wann sleep in and stay up late. I wanna drink until I pass out on my own bed instead of plopping into a school desk with 2 way vision. WEEEEE Spiderman! Nothing new really. I am friends again with Karolyn. That may be new so yep I talked to her and got some stuff explained and cleared up. I'm glad I did so. *sighs* I'm tired. Damn you finals and Romeo and Juliet bullshit! Damn you! *sighs again* It also doesn't help when you think that a well loved friend is coming back, but than you lose contact with her and have nothing to conclude a when of her returning. Damn it Brit! If you read this fucking comment with the exact arrival time you'll be here! If not I will go anal retentive on your ass and ask how long exactly you can breathe under water! LOL *hums* Well that is pretty much everything.. o yea Train is coming to my school tomorrow. I don't know if I should be all yay! Or why the fuck you messing my shitty day up!O well Train isn't aweful if so I don't think they would have gotten a grammy. Yet I'm gonna go and watch Angel. I love him and now that I can't ever watch a new eps again makes my heart ache. How dare the wb?? Wtf is up their asses with the "lets make soap operas" ideas? Angel was the best thing they had. Now they have one less viewer of their poorly entertaining shows. I'm sorry, but I love Angel and when someone says we can't afford to make that show even better than it was, so we'll cancel it before ending it with a great story line you have no mercy from me. China attack! Weeeee Damn I can't even get super angry about that. Poor Angel *cuddles Angel* my lil baby I'll miss you and your last show was very good. *cries* I'm ending this before I start to cuddle Spike.

Writes in Blood,
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