Another Summer Heartbreak

May 30, 2011 19:35

I'm really good at breaking up in the summer. Twice it's happened during this month too.
I may start to hate the month of ( May... )

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Comments 6

go_slow_ly May 31 2011, 12:52:15 UTC
Oh man, I'm sorry this happened to you... this whole story was really sad =( From the way you described it, it seemed inevitable but it's still really sad nonetheless.


vampyr_chick59 May 31 2011, 13:51:45 UTC
=] thanks. yeah, i guess it was inevitable, ive just been prolonging the undesirable end. (hahaha, i sound smart!)


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vampyr_chick59 June 5 2011, 23:42:34 UTC
I thought we were dating the whole time...? Just long distance relationship...


shinobisakura June 1 2011, 12:57:26 UTC
I'm sorry. <3 It sucks. But it sounds like you know what you want in a relationship and next time you'll be all the more happier. Hope you feel better soon.


vampyr_chick59 June 5 2011, 23:42:52 UTC
Thanks =]


wandas_law June 16 2011, 21:26:56 UTC
I'm so sorry about what happened. I know it is cliche but time makes things better.. eventually. But try not to look for it. Allow yourself to grieve (not too long) and then focus on YOU. Then one day you'll wake up and realize things don't hurt as much. I hope that didn't sound too preachy. :/ Feel better chica <3 *hugss* (you have my number if you wanna talk/have a text convo)


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