Me!? Sell Cupcakes?! WOAH

Mar 10, 2010 22:52

I had texted a friend the previous day with "Feed your inner Irish! Come by for some Irish Carbomb Cupcakes! Chocolate Guiness cupcake with Bailey's and a hint of Jameson frosting!"
Then I wake up today and see that I have a text from him. He had said "Hey, my manager wants to try your cupcakes. I might be able to make you some money." WOAH!!!! (He works at a bar/grill)
So after my Dr's appointment (I find out I have an ear infection! YAY!! I'll be popping pills like no other during spring break! =]),I rush over to meet his manager with my Irish carbomb cupcakes. She tries it and loves it! She was like "well, the chef has to try them, but if anything we could probably hire you for St. Patrick's Day. How much do you sell them for?"
I was like "..uh..I've never sold them before..I dunno.." hahaha She kept saying "you're so cute! She's so cute!" So she liked me, but I won't be here St. Patty's day! D= so it probably won't work out, but that's okay! It's just neat to see that I might really be able to sell cupcakes...and not die from starving 'cause i'm too broke to buy my own cupcakes. AND! I got free lunch from there. =] SWEEEEEET.

It was a very interesting day...

This is what my Irish Carbomb Cupcakes looked like!

My pot of i've been kinda sick or I don't even know what...well, ear infection, that's what. 
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