May 08, 2007 11:14
Ok, so those of you that took the time, energy, and money to spend watching this movie, I'm pretty sure you'd agree with what I have to say.
I had a lot of issues with this movie. First off, it could have been shorter and edited a hell of a lot better than it was. There were scenes that were just not neccessary to the plot. Those scenes didn't motivate the story or help it at all, therefore, they were completely utilized for no reason other than to make the movie longer and try to throw in some humor that was completely not needed!
Second, I'm pissed at Tobey Maguire for not doing his job! You could tell that he just wasn't into it anymore. I understand that as an actor you get tired. However, if you signed up for a trilogy, do your best for all three movies. It's your job! You're getting paid well and getting a lot of screen time/exposure! What about your fans? Not to mention that this is SPIDERMAN we're talking about here. Not some no name, that happns to have a trilogy that has no fan base. There will be those nitpicking fans, like me, who know the story and expect better. That's not too much to ask. As an actress myself, this angers me to no end.
Next we have the characters and their stories. Let's talk about how unneccessary it was to have Gwen Stacy in this movie, shall we? First of all, she was Peter Parker's first girlfriend and she dies at the hands on Norman Osborn, aka The Green Goblin! Then and only then does MJ even come into the picture. SO seeing as we started the movies with MJ, Gwen should not have even been brought in. Not to mention that apparently she was dating Eddie Brock? WTF was that?
Speaking of Eddie Brock, Topher Grace was a very good Venom, but he was a sucky ass, poor excuse for an Eddie Brock! And, Hi! Where was the Venom's tongue? Hello CG guys where were you on that one? He whips it out all the effing time, so I was waiting for it, and it never came out even once! Whatever!
Sandman, aka, Marco Flint. Good type casting, bad acting! Very disappointed about that one. He was only good when he was CG, when he was acting it was so bad it was painful!
Harry Osborn aka The New Goblin as the movie called him, but he's the second Green Goblin. James Franco did as much as he could do with this role, I think. I think he did very well, and the writer's stuck pretty damned close to his story line, which was very exciting for me seeing as writer's have a hard time doing that. Everything that was involved with his character pretty much happened in the comics, so I was happy with his performance and the writing on his story line! I thought that his acting was very well done.
MJ/Kirsten Dunst, holy shit was she horrible! I mean, they couldn't even find a dubbed voice for the singing parts that even sounded close to her real voice? I mean really? Not only could you tell it was dubbed, but she sounded old and the voice was way too deep! It was awful! Acting, yeah well...maybe she sould have rehearsed a little more?
Tobey Maguire/Spiderman/Peter Parker, was very dissapointed with his performance. The whole night club scene was a waste of film and wasn't needed. I know that he was supposed to act differently from his regular Peter Parker image because he had the symbiote attached to him, but the whole street scene and night club scene was ridiculous!
I did like when he called out Eddie Brock in the news room in front of everyone and the scene with him and his landlord and even the one with the landlord's daughter. Those were appropriate to what he was trying to portray. When he showed up at Harry's and they fought, that was a good scene as well.
There were some good moments in this movie, but like I said there were a lot of unneccessary scenes.
The movie as a whole was disappointing. I was really hoping for a little less ridiculousness and a little more of what the other two movies gave us.
Theatre Etiquette:
Yes, I went on opening night at an 8:30 showing. Since when is it ok to shout things out at a movie theatre unless it's The Rocky Horror Picture Show? I mean really, we had some really ridiculous out bursts that were completely bothersome and really annoying! The scene with MJ and Harry and their stolen kiss, people in that theatre were completely retarded! I couldn't even hear what Hary was saying before the kiss happened because people were shouting because they saw what was going to happen and they were like, "No MJ don't do it, Harry Don't do it!" Then when MJ breaks up with Peter, they shout out what a tramp she was being!?
Umm, hi! You are in a movie theatre, there is no commentating on the movie while the movie is on! Not to mention that there was talking through out the entirety of the movie! Who do these people think they are? It's common knowledge that you don't talk during the movie, you laugh at appropriate times, clap, if you must, but other than that, you shut the hell up!
Don't even get me started about those people who bring babies and small children to these types of movies!
Needless to say that I had a very dissappointing theatre expirience this time around! Let's hope that when Harry Potter comes out, or any other fan based movie that's fairly big, that I won't be killing those people who don't understand theatre etiquette. I mean, they even put on the little cartoon before the movies to tell what the rules are! Stupid people make me very mad!
Bad movies that should have been good, make me mad too!
OK, my rant is over now.