Jun 24, 2011 18:04
So, Jenny's getting married tomorrow. I'm so, so glad she finally is. I think her and Kenny have been engaged for...more than two years? I think? I can't remember, but I know it's been a while.
As happy as I am for her, I'll be glad when this wedding stuff is all over. It stresses me out, especially when I have NO idea what to get for her still and pretty much anything I WOULD have gotten for her that wasn't on her registry lists was already bought and given to her at the damn bridal shower. I just could not believe it. It sort of kills me that I, yet again, have no idea what to get a good friend. I didn't even get her a shower gift because I had no money.
Argh, why are things so complicated...?
It's all that on top of the gay marriage bill in this state that just needs to get to the damn floor already. All week they've been pussy-footing around the damn issue, voting on EVERYTHING ELSE but that and gee, they wonder why people on both sides of the issue are getting upset? Why people have sent scathing comments/tweets/etc? Why so many senators STILL are so damned close-minded about such a simple issue of love I'll never know. It saddens me that it's so easy for them to say no--and why so many states continue to say no when we've clearly entered a time in our society where it's well overdue to be a yes.
Though I just checked the HuffPost's liveblog and apparently the bill IS going to vote tonight, so...we'll see!
Let's see, what else... Oh, the trial account thing with LJ? It sucks--especially if you've had a paid account before (plus userpic add-ons) and have to use a trial. I haven't been able to renew this account or Rory's yet (and Kaoru's, but I'm saving that until I do another plot with him) and I still only have access to my base 15 icons that they arbitrarily picked out for me even though it says I'm supposedly using 127/59 icons. Yeah that's...not true... And I think as much of an icon lover as I am, once I get my real paid account back, I'm going to cull the majority of my icons on here that I rarely use. And there are quite a few.
To the RP front: I'm still having fun and going nuts at the same time. My activity isn't what I want it to be at either place and I've missed saying hi to new people and new people who I've played with elsewhere and urgh. I've been half-tempted to put up something in the OOC comm to say hi to everyone en masse. If I were the meme-y type (and I'm horrible at coming up with memes), I'd try to come up with something meme-like that'd accomplish the same thing.
Also, I was a very bright thing and plotted three separate plot updates for Luministi on days I'd be super busy (i.e. tomorrow's wedding, my flight out to Chicago and my return trip from Chicago with Mecchan.) GO ME! *facepalms forever* Plots might be a bit late on those days. I'm definitely making a note to be more mindful of such things next year.
Oh, I also made a decision about my hair. I am going to chop it now--but I'll go red once Linds gets out here. I'm so ready to chop it. It's been hot and humid all day and it's so heavy. (My hair's semi-layered, but the majority of it goes down to my lower, lower back.) I want something cute and I do have some things in mind--I've been looking at hair magazines--but I also need it to flatter my stupid face and not make it look ridiculous.
Totally not related, the new season of Red vs Blue has started and OMG. I love it so hard already. Just...I need more. I fell in love with a new character like partway through the second episode and my gosh, I adore him. And I can't wait for certain other characters I have a vested interest in to appear again.
And that is my update for today. I hope everyone is doing well, especially those I don't get to talk to that often, and I love you all. Have a great weekend, everyone~ ♥
mod hat time,
red vs blue