(no subject)

Dec 22, 2010 03:06

As a heads-up, Christmas cards and such are going to end up being sorta-late-Christmas cards and for some might get there around New Year's. *fails* They'll be worth it! I hope. They would have been sent out already if I didn't come up with a project I could include which has taken me the past two weeks to complete.

(Note to self: next year, cut down on your ambitions :|)

So, yes. But things are still coming! It's the season of giving and all, and who says that stops on the 25th?


ALSO, I've been very remiss in not flailing about this series, but Tower Prep? Is awesome and epic. Just...my god. I love it. Simply love it and adore it, and the show just keeps getting better with every damn episode!!

Go watch. And if anyone needs episodes? Let me know.

My god, the finale's next week o.o;; *flails!*

tower prep, christmas, notes to self

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