(no subject)

Aug 12, 2009 20:39

Tsubasa 227



...What the fuck was that, CLAMP?! I mean just...what the fuck?!

Does anyone else feel like they're being jerked around now? >.> Even xxxHOLiC is making me go scratch my head what with Watanuki's "identity crisis" and dear freaking god, Doumeki, I hope that egg's purpose will make it all worth it. What frustrates me is that Watanuki's completely forgot about Himawari. She's an important person to him too! But nooo, he'll just stay in the shop. (Though, it IS really nice to see him with his glasses again. Mmm.)

Damn it, Yuuko, why'd you have to go ;_;

FMA chapter 98:

Greed vs. Wrath rematch, omg, not long enough! And god, I love that Ling taught Greed how to fight with his own skills. So freaking awesome. (And I'm so glad Falman wasn't killed ;_; )

But those original army guys who completely twisted the "All is one, one is all" thing made me so glad Izumi and Olivier kicked his ass. *loves those two so much*

Loved the moment between Scar and Hawkeye. Plain and simple.

But...who in the hell was that at the end?! Next month can't come soon enough >.>;

Ah, what else...Okami. I'm so so loving it and I'm doing a bunch of sidequest things before the last area (I have a feeling I won't be able to go back, so.) But dear freaking god, the stray beads thing is pissing me off. 99 of those little bastards and some of the tasks you have to do to earn it are completely ridiculous and so...anticlimactic. (I'm looking at YOU, fucking demon gate trails, especially the third one in Kamui >.>)

It had better be fucking worth getting them all. Those last two beads are a major pain in the ass...

Oh yeah, watched a movie called In the Loop the other day. I really enjoyed it. It's a British film with Tom Hollander, Peter Capaldi, James Gandolfini, and a few others based on the series The Thick of It (which I'm going to track down soon), and it's a satire on the international political relations between the US and UK. The humour's subtle, dry, and witty, and dear god, I don't think I've heard so many f-bombs dropped in one single thing. I'm honestly surprised the Malcolm character who had the majority of them in his dialogue hasn't had an aneurysm yet. Very, very surprised.

Also enjoyed seeing how American politicians are perceived over there. Some of their actions made me smack the side of my head--but the sad truth is, they probably would act that way. -.-; In some capacity, anyway.

But! If you don't mind the language or, well, politics however satirised, then I think you'll like it. If not, well, you might not. ^^;

okami, fma, xxxholic, tsubasa, movies

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