(no subject)

Sep 28, 2008 01:33

So I've always been interested in investing in those Space Bags (the ones where you throw clothes or blankets in them and then vacuum all the air out and it squishes everything together) and I finally got some today. Thinking that collectively, we have a TON of bedding and blankets and all that shit, I went and got two jumbo bags and a pack of 3 large bags hoping that would be enough.

Well. Took out one of the jumbo bags and holy shit is that thing huge! It's four freaking feet across and thirty-eight inches the other way and wow. I'm freaking amazed. Suuuuure, I coulda read the sides of the boxes and saw the dimensions (stated plainly on the boxes) but I'm not going to complain. I'm sure I'll be needing allllll that extra room. And they weren't really that expensive. The jumbos were sold individually (and now I know why!) and were $8.99 each, and the 3 pack was $12.99 at Target. I'd say definitely worth it.

And, because I so need another crocheting project, I bought yarn to make myself--and god, this is going to sound so damn geeky--a scarf modeling the brown and blue pinstripe suit that Ten wears. The yarn I found is pretty darn close in color and it's soft too! I've never crocheted a scarf the long way before and I only have about one and a half rows done now (the end doesn't seem to ever come!) and I'm really excited to see how it looks when I work the blue into it. And, you know, to see whether the pattern I have in my head will look as good when it's actually done or not...

Mom asked me why I got those particular colors and, well, she already had an inkling and I pretty much told her it was a geeky idea involving the Doctor and she got the picture ^^;

Anyway, a list of to-do's for tomorrow. Now that I'm armed with my space bags, I can tackle my closet head on! And pack up the rest of my part of the room! I have to keep telling myself to do this damn packing because I can twaddle so badly and take forever. But at least I've been doing some sort of packing each day. Moreso than I can say for the rest of the family >.>

Things to do
» Pack up the fucking closet already!
» Pack up books and dismantle the plastic shelving thing by the door.
» Pack up all the stray DVDs and games remaining in room.
» Be sure to bring out all dishes remaining in room so they can be washed by brother when he does his load of dishes later on today.
» Be sure to leave just the necessities that I'll be needing for the week.
» Be sure to also clearly label the boxes so in case I DO need something later, I can find it somewhat easier.
» Once bedroom is packed, see who else needs help throughout the house. If need be, kick some ass into gear so I'm not the only one doing it.
» Possibly go with Mom to see the other house we're looking at. Depends on where I am with packing and in what state I'm in. <-Tabled until tomorrow.
» Eventually make a list of all the people and companies who need to be notified of our moving.
» Finish packing up loose things in the living room, especially under the fish tank. (Most of that was done Saturday with help from Therissa. Thanks hun! ^.^ )
» Try not to go insane or have sneezing fits from all the dust. That'll suck.
» When you get a chance, for fuck's sake, just write SOMETHING for oncoming_storms! Even a few hundred words will suffice!

I think that's it, for now. I think. >.>


OH! Because I NEED to talk about the Gallifrey audios! Beware of spoilers and the like!

Spoilers to start...

I SWEAR TO GOD ANDRED BETTER NOT BE DEAD. First Castellan Winters, who was freaking adorable and I wanted to give the poor sod a hug from the moment he was introduced, but NO he ended up being the burned man! I was rather upset with that ;_; although I had been dreading for him to turn out to be Andred the entire time and then we got to the hand crunchy bit (EW. Wanted to smack Romana and them for wanting to listen to it AGAIN because I didn't want to hear those squishy crunchy noises again! Damn yooooou. *shudders*) and I started to freak. >.>

I'm still torn about Braxiatel. I like him, but there's this small thing in me that says not to trust him--and then he pulls something like purposefully sacrificing himself to the past and present parts of Pandora and I kinda scold myself for thinking such things. And then he STILL says something to make me not wholly trust him. Damnit Brax! Damnit, I say!

I really really hope Darkel gets what's coming to her, the conniving bitch. Romana better give her a beat down! Or Leela. Or both! As long as she gets her comeuppance. >.>

Oh, and can I reiterate that Andred had better not be dead?! I don't know WHY I love him the way I do, but so help me, I started loving him within the first few minutes of the first episode when he was still Torvald. (Interesting thing, though, his mind getting mixed up with Torvald's and thinking he was him for so long. Didn't know regenerations could do such a thing.

It saddened me that in 2.4, we began with a bunch of students from all races who'd been friends since they all arrived in the Academy--and then we saw their friendships dissolve in such a way... -.- Sometimes I really hate those traditionalist Time Lords. At least Romana's making an effort to change things! ;_;

I'm hesitant to move forward because god, everything's going to come to a head sooner or later and everything's going to go to hell, I just know it. All this while the Doctor's away in the Divergent universe...

crochet, life, audio drama, doctor who

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