(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 01:47

Oh. My freaking god! Why are you so awesome, Doctor Who?! I was squealing in fangirly GLEE within the first few minutes!

Neeeeeeeedless to say, my love for Donna grows like...exponentially each episode. Sure, I've loved Rose, and Martha (whom I'll squee about in a minute), and some of the other older companions I've seen episodes with (Tegan, Nyssa, Sarah Jane, and Turlough? I'm looking at you! I'd also add the Brig because damnit, he's an honorary companion in my eyes), but Donna is by far in my top favorites, if not the top.

The part in the beginning where I was fangirling like made? Because the Doctor was teaching her how to control the TARDIS. Quite a feat for a man who says he didn't actually pass the test to drive it either, but he's had enough time to get it almost right, I suppose. Loved the comment about the hole in the eighties. (Passing swipe at the BBC for the 18 month hiatus in the eighties, Mz. Raynor?)

Oh! And speaking of which, Helen? WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE TREATED THE DALEKS THIS GREAT? HMMM??? I'm sure there are people bitching about the Sontarans and how they would never employ an 18 year old megalomaniac twit to help in their plan and OMG smoke bombs and drowning cars are so lame--but I'd beg to differ. We don't know what's going to happen. I mean, having a cloning machine, the spacecrafts of DOOM floating around Earth, and a Sontaran Youth school? And nobody thought to think that the last time something went globally like that *coughArchAngel!cough* it ended really damn badly? Sure, no one remembers it, but MARTHA DOES, so why wasn't something said like, I dunno, maybe before 400 million units of ATMOS had sold? Oh well, then we wouldn't have a story, right?

The Sontarans themselves look SO AWESOME in all their big headed clone-y glory. Thank you god for updated designs! I was kinda iffy about seeing these guys back, initially, but really, I've kinda liked the Sontarans and anything's better than any off-shoot of the lizard creature aliens, like the Silurians and Sea Devils. *has never cared for them*

Back to Martha for a minute. Torchwood having an edited show for children to watch makes so much more sense now. Especially since if no one watched the past season, they would've seen Martha going from single and moving on, to surprise! Engaged! To the guy who died protecting her during the year that never was! I had to contain myself, I was so happy >.> And it's good to see that she's grown up too.

And she and Donna got along instantly! So happy! I mean, I never thought they'd go at each other's throats or anything, but I can imagine there'd always be some form of awkwardness meeting a former/current companion of the Doctor's. Not that that happens too often, I've noticed (more like the majority of the women fall in love with some other guy they happen to meet and leave the Doctor to go get married... Not sure what I think of that trend yet.) Anyway, yeah. Two awesome companions for the price of one!

The scene when the Doctor thought Donna wanted to leave for good? Awwww! He looked so sad and like a lost puppy ;_; But Donna letting him figure out that she meant home for a visit? Priceless!

But it has me thinking. So far, the Doctor's had these little speeches thanking his companions for traveling with him. If by his saying it now, does that mean he won't get the chance to say it to Donna when she leaves for real? And if he doesn't, under what kind of circumstances would that happen? Am I just grasping at straws here and completely nuts for reading into a joke like that? Probably.

But yes, I really should go to bed and I really have to crank something out for this month's Caer Awen thing since my last month's entry was such a bomb. (A bomb that I'm trying to rewrite, but it's being stubborn >.>) And I've got a pretty good idea what I want to do now. I just...gotta write it ^^; And stop writing this beginning of a DW fic that I've got in my notebook. >.>; Why no, I'm not being a hypocrite and breaking my "don't write fic for a series until it's done--or in DW's case, until the season's done" rule. No, not at all. Why do you ask?

Bed now! Night!

writing, fangirling, doctor who

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