Joining the meme bandwagon, here.
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I have an order for certain things and I hate breaking any set routine. However, I'm open for change and spontaneous events--as long as I have a decent amount of warning ahead of time.
2. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm cheap when it comes to alcohol and eating out.
3. I refuse to take any pills without water, and I have water in my mouth before I put the pill in my mouth.
4. If my hair is down, I'm always touching it or running my fingers through it.
5. I hate carrying a purse, but sometimes I have no choice but to use one.
6. I'm the only one in my family interested in politics and social issues. That fact alone annoys the piss out of me >.>
7. I'm a cynical hopeless dreamer/romantic.
boomeroofontechkmegumi2dagas_isacole_chansilencexglaiveshelldigity Comment with a fandom, and I'll answer these.
01) The first character I fell in love with:
02) The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
03) The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
04) The character I love that everyone else hates:
05) The character I would shag anytime:
06) The character I’d want to be like:
07) The character I’d slap:
08) A pairing that I love:
09) A pairing that I despise:
10) Favorite character:
Additional questions:
- What are your five favorite things about your fandom?
- What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?
- Who are your five favorite characters?
- Who are your five least favorite characters?
- What are your five favorite pairings?
- What are your five least favorite pairings?
- Which character are you most like?
- What is your deep, dark fandom secret?
Fandoms include (but are not limited to): Avatar, Dead Like Me, Doctor Who, Dresden Files, Eureka, Harry Potter (all seven, but I'd warn if I talk about book seven stuff), Heroes, Kingdom Hearts, Ouran, Saiyuki, Scrubs, Suikoden (I-IV), etc.