cops are fun

Dec 17, 2006 17:31

so last night lynette nick and i went bowling. this girl michelle was there and a shyt load of other people. Even demi and her Rob came out with a few of their friends. We were all drinking, one of the girls even ended up puking. But it was pretty fun. Afterwards we went to a diner @ like 1am or something.
Then we were driving home 'round 2:45-3am, and we're on the Wantagh Parkway...And it's me, Lynette Nick and Michelle in Lynette's car...and we pass a jeep...and I thought to myself 'wow...that really looks like Rob's mom's jeep...especially since it has that terrorist hunter sticker in the back window...'. But I didn't say anything. Then we get on the Northern State Parkway..and the jeep's still behind us. And Lynette and Nick were actually talking about something connected with Laurie..and I go "Umm, I think that's Rob's car behind us".
So we slow down. A lot. And let the jeep pass us.
And oh look, it's them.
So yea, we basically started tailgating and following them and Lynette called Laurie and started fighting with her about how she was talking shyt and trying to break Lynette and Nick up, and then Rob completely bipassed the exit he was supposed to take, so we follow them to the next one, honestly yea, we'd all drank enough that if they'd pulled over we def. woulda beat the shyt outta them. And I think they knew that. And, for the record, Nick could definitely take out Rob. EASILY (the guy's been in jail for the past two years or something, pretty sure he knows how to handle himself).
So we follow them to the next exit...and then as we're turning onto the turnpike, they pull up right next to a fucking cop. Musta told them we were harrassing them, cause then oh look, we get pulled over. And Lynette had been drinking, and is only 20, so we were nervous as shyt that she was gonna get arrested. But the cop wasn't TOO big of a dick. Just asked where we were coming from, why we were in Mineola, if we knew the people in the jeep, yada yada, and then let us go.
So we drive to my house, and Nick starts two-waying Laurie and Rob. Cause he's fucking pissed beyond beliefe at this point and honestly I reslly really really hope Rob gets his ass pummelled cause he's had it coming to him for fucking years now and noone's ever actually DONE IT. But yea, that went on for a few minutes. Then by now it was almost 3am so I went inside. About a minute after being in my house, get a call from Laurie on Rob's phone. Of course the bitch doesn't listen to a word I say and just goes on for about 40 seconds calling me psychotic and yada yada (yea, thinking about it, I guess I am, but what-the-fuck-ever) and then hangs up.
I'd texted her @ one point calling her a pussy ass bitch for getting the cops involved, and so much for 'anytime anyplace' like she'd told me on the phone last week.
Then I got a call from Gina (Rob's brother's fiance) around 4am. And after playing phone tag for a couple minutes, finally got her on the phone. And she asked if I wanted to meet up today for coffee or something, and I said fine, so I guess I'm doing that later? I have a feeling it's gonna involve some sorta tslk about how Rob really has moved on and stuff, cause last time I talked to her she was saying how she hoped Rob would eventually come around and realize he was retarded for breaking up with me.
Then I went to sleep but woke up at 7:30am cause Buffy (dog) had to go out. And there was a text message from 4:26am from Laurie saying 'get a fucking life ur never getting rob back n he thinks u are so pathetic and disgusting so MOVE ON KAY THANKS, N STOP TALKIN TO HIS BROTHER HE THINKS UR CRAZY'.
Ok. 1st off. He thinks I'm disgusting now? Oh, ok. That's why he was with me for over a year and a 1/2 and used to call me beautiful and stuff. But now I'm disgusting. And as for talking to his brother, his brother is the one who called me first. His brother is the one who messaged me first on myspace. So yea, fuck that.
Texted her back, basically saying noone's trying to get Rob back and that at this point it's really just entertaining getting her all huffy and puffy by fucking with her.
That's kinda sorta true, anyway. I mean...I know all this crazy drama, 3 months (to the day) after he broke up with me is only solidifying the fact he'll never, ever, wanna be with me again. I mean, how could we, after all this shyt? Especially if he does end up getting jumped by Nick and whoever @ some point.
And that's kinda depressing. Knowing he's really never ever ever gonna hold me again or sleep next to me or kiss me or still doesn't feel true. Three fucking months later, and it still doesn't feel true. Five years from now, who knows what will happen...and yes, I'm honestly serious about that.
But yea. I dunno.
Florida in two weeks.
Only tea/yogurt/cottage cheese/alcohol/oatmeal till then.
123 by Florida.
K? K.