Cause Sean Wanted An Update

Dec 19, 2006 13:25

OK. Wow, where to start.
Last night Angel picked me up with this guy Vinny. Then we went out to Massapequa, got their from John (or whatever his name was) and we went to the Jones Beach Holiday Light Spectacular. Basically $15 to drive through a larger version of someone's front lawn decorations. But whatever, not my money, who cares. After that we went back to the guy's house for a bit. And OMG the most DISGUSTING VILE GROSS NAUSEATING PUKE INDUCING thing happened to me.
So Angel and I are going through the kitchen, looking for something to eat...and I come across a box of Diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate packs. So, OK. Me being me, I decide to just eat a pack of the powder, w/o any water or milk. So...I'm eating it...for like 5 minutes...and it tasted a lil weird, but I figured maybe that's just cause it was diet...And it even kinda LOOKED a lil weird but I didn't really think much of it. But then I accidentally dropped some on my leg...and it MOVED. It was a tiny lil WORM.
Oh my god, so I jumped up and started flipping out and gagging into the garbage can and spitting up and wishing that I could just throw up, and Angel and Vinny kept asking "whats wrong whats wrong whats wrong" and I finally told them and they're like "no way" so I make them dump out the pack and look at it. And there's lil worms all in it. And I KNOW I ate some of them. I was soooo grossed out, honestly I felt so dirty and omg. It was straight outta a Fear Factor/Bad Horror Movie combination.
After that we went to KFC cause I needed to eat something to not feel so gross (even though at that point I'd already downed a few shots of Captain Morgons, cause figured the alcohol would kill anything that might be living inside me...). Then they dropped me off at Other Rob's house. I dunno, it was pretty random, I hadn't seen him in a while so figured why not. Well I dunno. I guess I'm not attracted to him like that anymore and kinda should tell him this. Like I am but I'm not. I think I just like the way it feels when he gives me attention and stuff. Like he told me my dark hair made me look mad sexy, and when I was sitting on his lap he kept like touching me and I dunno, I told him to stop and just kinda laughed off whatever other comments he was making.
Well, anyway, after being there for only like 1/2 an hour or so, I get a call from Freaky. I figured it was just asking if I'd been able to come across any painkillers since he'd been wanting me to get him some earlier in the night. But no, apparently his mom had been drunk driving and got into a car accident and he really needed someone to talk to/hang out with. So I told him to come pick me up. Left Other Rob's like 12:30am.
The accident really wasn't that bad, but it caused a lot of family drama in Freaky's household and he was mad stressed out about it and upset about the whole situation.
So. Yea. Around like 1:15am we pick up this kid Joe Duffy. He's 24 and from my hometown, another kid I'd met through Rob. We'd been talking on MySpace for a bit now, but had never hung out one on one. The only times I'd chilled with him in the past had been with Rob, and we were usually doing coke and never really talked. So yea. Freaky drops Joe and I off at this bar O'Donnells. I'd actually never really been to a local bar. But yea I dunno, drank drank drank, Red Devil, few shots, LI Iced Tea. Then I went out to some guy's car and smoked a joint with him (then he tried to make a move on me and I went back in the bar). So by this point I was pretty drunk and extremely high. I'm not really sure what time it was, probably about 3:45am. Joe walked me back to my house. It was fucking cold. But yea. I dunno, fun times. I could tell he wanted to like kiss me or something (he let me wear his jacket during the walk and had his arm around me and stuff) but I gave him my cheek. I dunno, honestly the thought of doing something with someone I met through Rob just feels wrong to me. Also, I knew I was drunk, and he was drunk, sooooo. Came home, passed out.
Woke up at 9am. Had a job interview for a soup/sandwich place at 10am. Came extremely close to canceling/postponing it cause I felt like shit, but sucked it up and went. It'd be nice if I get it.
La la la. Oh, here's the message I got from Joe on myspace:

Wow you looked hot tonight , absolutly beutiful. Quite fun for a monday, I think its nicer to talk to you then it is to type to you . yeh it only took me like 15 min to get home. like I thought . Although I sure bill said that already lol. wow that guy was trying hard for every thing I'm sure any one could have emptied his wallet to night , buying shots offering his weed he offered us a lift before he called you but I don't trust people I dont know sorry for the cold I should have got us cab I'm use to talking the trip solo. but I hope you had fun and on any other night I usualy get a ride but monday isn't my usual night out.


That's Joe. Yea. No.

Anywho. What else what else. Oh. My friend Gina from Jersey (the one who Rob had cheated on me with last December but I ended up becoming friends with) called me yesterday, She's like "I need to tell you something, are you sitting down?". And yea, it was just about the fact Rob's 'getting married', and she didn't think I'd heard yet. Then she was telling me about the convo she'd had with Rob, and that she told him in s few months or so he's gonna wanna come crawling back to me and that I wouldn't be there for him anymore. And his response? "That bitch is obsessed with me, she's not going anywhere."
Unfortunately, he's probably right...
Ummm I guess that's it. I feel fat and gross cause of all the drinking last night. Was down to 127 yesterday. Now I'm scared to weigh myself. Florida in like 12 days. So not really looking foward to it...but whatever. I dunno I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of little things but yup yup Imma go try to find something to do.