Fic: Would You Be An Outlaw For My Love (1/1)

Jan 09, 2011 23:41

Title: Would You Be An Outlaw For My Love
Author: Chaos
Beta: The wonderful Basil, who sadly has no livejournal.
Parings: Mitchell/George
Warnings: Um...I don't know that there are any. Suicidal thoughts maybe? Weird PoV musings. And it was written during the first season. And it has no plot...
Rating: G? PG? There's kind of abstract slash and a bit of adult theme-ish stuff. But really, this fandom comes complete with blood anyway.
Spoiler Warnings: None. Oh, maybe for Herrick and his occupation. But...nothing really.
Disclaimer: Not mine. This isn't even one of my usual fandoms. So on a scale of zero to mine they're way down the bottom. Oh, and the title/cut lyrics are from a Garbage song, so still not mine.

Summary: Mitchell loves how naive George is.

Author's Note: Umm...I wrote this ages and ages and ages ago and only recently dug it out of the recesses of my computer and fixed it up with the thought that someone, somewhere might some day want to read it? I don't know. I really don't.

I'm totally new to this community so...I hope I've got all the posting and stuff right. The link is to my journal. Ummm...enjoy?

If it's so then let me know...

fic, fic: rating: pg

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