OWoD update

Apr 09, 2010 16:24

 Gangrel pack concept scrapped due to lack of player numbers.

New OWoD Concept:

Name: Breana (Bree for short) (I'll ask for help picking a last name because I know just enough to know that when making an Irish PC, picking the wrong last name means potential war with other Irish PCs)
Theme: Man vs. Man
Conflict: War between the Sabbat and the Camarilla(All of Florida south of where I am will be loaded with Sabbat, and my PC is going to be part of a coterie who keeps them down south where they belong)
Resolution: Emerging as a combat leader for fire-brand youths
Clan: Brujah
Faction: Iconoclast
Gen: 9th
Embrace: 2000ish
Nature: Thrill Seeker
Demeanor: Fanatic
Weapons of Choice:
-Ranged: guns and anything that can be launched
-Close Combat: fists, nails, punch daggers, anything she can get her hands on

Irish American, embraced  around 2000 in or near NYC by Gracie Mac Gee(Rachel Wilkinson's PC).  Think firebrand, hardheaded, a bit of a loose cannon.  She's hardcore for fighting to keep the Sabbat south of Central Florida where they belong, but that's mostly because it gives her an excuse for violence.  On the flipside, when she's not riled up and gunning for someone, she can be really sweet and charming.

She's a product of the 80's, punk rock biker chick with a chip on her shoulder and something to prove, and now she's got eternity to do it.

Looking for ties:
-people she's stomped
-people who've stomped her
-people she's done bad things for
-bad boys she's toyed with(and possibly burned, or left burning)
-any other cool ideas you people have out there

Email me at angela.camarilla@gmail.com or leave me a message here.


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