It's been a while, hasn't it? So sorry for that!
First order of business is Strikes. However, because you guys are so awesome we haven't the need to post any for the last few weeks, which is probably mainly why we haven't said a word about anything. Thanks for being such great players and keeping up with everything~ You've made us mods very happy! ♥
For being such great players, we've decided to do another community event. Those of you who were here the last time this happened know how it goes. But for those of you who recently joined, here's how it goes:
Every once in a while (we're hoping every month or every two months, depending) there's a community wide event that takes place that affects all the players. This gives the characters a chance to log/interact/etc. with others who they probably have yet to meet. But not only is it for character interaction, it's for mun interaction as well. Gives everyone a chance to talk to that one person who's been difficult to catch because of time constraints, etc.
This time we're going to have another spell gone wrong by some amateur witch who thought he was tough stuff and tried to do a complex spell. It backfired and as a result, all the characters are dropped off at different parts of the world in pairs. How the pair return back to Japan will be left up to you. Let your imaginations fly~
This will take into effect this weekend, September 5-7, which we'll have a post up for thread logs if you like or you can produce your own log. To make it fair, we mods will be determining the location of where the pairs - and who the pairs are - will be dropped off. Posting for that will be in the next day or two so be sure to watch for it!
Although we said that this will take place this weekend, that doesn't mean you have to come out with a log within that time. Take your time with them and post them up when you can. Even a log isn't really obligatory, but it would be interesting to see what happens to the pairs, yes?
A big apology for making this announcement on short notice, though. But like we said, there's really no time constraint on when logs need to be in, if there is one (though we'd like to see one!). The post for the thread log, however, will be open all weekend so feel free post/comment there~
If there are concerns about reaching the person who your character is paired with, there are various ways of contacting them. Here is the
contact list that has all the players and the ways that you could get in touch with them. If there's still a problem, then let either of the mods know and we'll try to work something out.
Any other questions or concerns about the community wide event, let us know via commenting here, email or Aim if you're able to catch us and we'll answer your question ASAP. We're very friendly so no need to hesitate on asking us anything~
Last but certainly not least, are the additions and subtractions to the community.
We're sad to see a couple of our players and their characters gone, but we're also glad that new ones have joined us~ Please welcome Oshitari Kenya, Zaizen Hikaru and Echizen Ryoma to the group! We hope that you guys will have fun here and we look forward to playing with your characters!
To keep your list updated,
go here for the Quick Add/Remove Admin to make it a little easier.
Hiatus List:
Kikumaru Eiji
Fuji Syuusuke
Fuji Yuuta
Echizen Ryoga
If we've missed anyone, please let us know?
Sorry that this seems super long, but everything said here was rather necessary. Thanks for taking the time to read it~
Happy playing!
The mods,
Sabriel and Rei