Jan 16, 2005 22:50
Yay! LJ is back up! I haven't been using livejournal very long, but I think I'm already addicted. It's all my roomie's fault. She got me started on this. Course I paid her back by getting her hooked on the whole BtVS/Spuffy thing again, so I guess we're even. Isn't that right, Jeanie? :) Anyway, I don't really have much else to say except that I might have an idea for a Spuffy vid. However, I am not a vidder and actually am not sure I want to be. I don't need anything else to suck away all my time. :) Can I persuade anyone on my f-list to make it for me, if I tell you the song and scenes I think would work?(That is, if I can find the song. It was on the radio.) Please? Just leave a comment on my lj if you're feeling generous. Thanks!