Apr 05, 2006 02:48
Well..I figured I would say something before I head off to bed tonight. ;3 Aw man I could not sleep last night. I was up all night looking at auctions and what-have-yous on ebay. Damn I wish I had money. o: Billy's first day at work was today! ^ ^ He came home with his shirt tucked in and his ear plugs around his neck. Heheh. "Safety procedures" he proclaims. I think it damn right nerdy...but cute :D With his job, if he gets hired after 90 days he gets a raise up to $13 ! ^ ^ Which would be more than nice. Aw..Bills brother just brought my Kiki in here! She's so precious...and damn is it warm in here. I'm just too lazy to turn on the AC. Ah well. I better get to sleep so I can wake up at 5 to make sure his ass gets up.
...but not until after a cigarette. ;3