Oct 16, 2012 14:44
Last night:
-I drove around the New Haven ghetto looking for ____ (the airport?). I wasn't afraid, or really even anxious, just confused.
-Then Danielle, a small group of teenage girls, and myself pranked an older man (60s, looked like Mr. Sterling from 'Mad Men'). Something akin to Dingdongdash where we hid in the bushes outside his house. When he caught and chastised us I noticed that his black hair was obviously dyed. I made fun of him for hiding his age, and suggested that women prefer men who age with age with dignity.
-I was going on a family vacation, which included some young girls (Hannah may have been one of them). They wanted to bring their pet bunny. I gave them two more, which I had stored in a slim wooden box.
Themes of youth and fertility?