Su-Jin (Son Yae Jin) and Chol-Su (Jung Woo Sung) meet under seemingly average, normal circumstances. Su-Jin is exiting an affair with a married man, and Chol-Su is working for Su-Jin’s father as a carpenter, and when they finally meet it's as if it was meant to be. Their love is affectionate and their marriage as close to perfect as can be...but is fate truly that kind? Su-Jin surprisingly contracts Alzheimer’s disease, and the tragic struggle they face both threatens and strengthens their love. But for how long? As Su-Jin’s memory begins to leaves her, the disease they face may turn out to be too much for even a love as strong as theirs…
Okay, it's official. I am SO in love with this movie. It is SO good.
The second half of the movie made me cry so badly. Especially during this part.
Chulsoo! Oh my love, Chul-soo!
I only love you and only you.
I only think about you. I only remember you.
The first half was the cute fuzzy wuzzy stuff.
I actually don't remember this happening though -_-''
The movie is everything I want to be . . sort of =/
This is my desktop.. It's really cute but it's really heartbreaking at the same time...
I definitely recommend it! You should watch it! They're amazinggggggggggg :]