Title: Paper Faces on Parade
Author: vampmissedith
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: some canon House/Cuddy and canon Wilson/Sam, but eventual House/Wilson slash.
Disclaimer: I do not own House.
Summary: As House and Wilson try to balance their strained friendship and life with their girlfriends, House treats a neo-Nazi he can't trust
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Also, my dad worked at a college where there were a lot of "beard" marriages, because that was the way it was. Nathaniel corrobrating (sp) with his father's activities to keep the family intact was so sad.
The scene with Cuddy and Wilson was excellent, as another commenter said, usually they make Cuddy the enemy. She has her valid reasons for what she did, and I'm glad you actually let her have an inner life.
This story is so IC and like the show in that there are so many small hidden twists (as with Chase). Again, I couldn't figure that scene out until House said, "He's not your father." Because I was wondering, why is Chase so upset that the guy hates his wife and kid? What does he care? And you pulled it together.
And I loved that last line.
I hope he is happy with his partner now.
The fact that you feel sad that Nathaniel helps his father keep up the lie makes me a little proud because that was what I tried to evoke. The entire fic, I was sorta writing it so his wife and son were these horrible, mean assholes and he was this pitable (or perhaps pitiful; depends on your view) guy stuck with them, when really he's the asshole who hates his family and his son loves him despite his sexuality.
I'm so happy that people are pleased with Cuddy (and Sam's) appearance in this story.
As for the bit with Chase, for some reason as I wrote this fic, it felt like he should be the one most emotionally affected by it--besides House and Wilson, obviously. I wasn't quite sure why until then, and I'm sure his recent divorce had something to do with it too.
Thank you for your review!
That's part of why I support gay marriage and gay people adopting children. One of the tragedies of my generation is seeing what happened to those whose parents couldn't reveal their sexuality in the open. And to think that still goes on today is very sad.
Don't worry; I'm friends with a few homophobes who find homosexuality appalling, so . . . Just because I disagree with an opinion doesn't mean I hate that person for having it--although in those situations, you really do have to agree to disagree.
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