Jul 05, 2010 00:02
- 10:16 cold handsss #
- 12:02 dammit i need gloves! #
- 12:04 hrrmmm...noodles for lunch? #
- 12:43 chilli chilli chilli is good good good #
- 18:21 i really wanted those boots #
- 18:21 dammit, those guys had better hire me >.< i need a job! #
- 18:51 ugh, my brothers are idiots #
- 19:52 have located a pair of glove #
- 19:53 gloves*...using gloves while typing=typos #
- 22:22 jeepers, is it really that hard a concept to grasp? really? #
- 22:22 should get to bed. night night #
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