Feb 12, 2008 11:53
Can somebody please explain to me why people either go bat shit crazy or feel like they might as well kill themselves during Valentines Day if they don't have a date? I honestly don't understand the why people get so high strung about a silly romantic holiday that is maintained to sell chocolates, diamonds, and Hallmark cards. Sure I celebrate it (who doesn't like extra chocolate?), but I would never dive into a fit of depression over the fact I did not have a date on it. I usually had an apathetic approach to it outside of relationships. Why fret? Should I just get in a relationship for that day? While I can understand those who despise it due to a recent break-up, I don't understand singletons who act like it's the end of the world when it comes around. "Oh noes!!!!! I can't buy random crap for my significant other! I need a holiday to validate my love life!" I know some people complain about the fact that it seems to rub compledom in their faces, but are people that insecure by the fact that other people are in relationships? Never mind the fact that we live in a world of have nots, you get to feel like YOUR LIFE must be the worst because you're not currently in a relationship? Never mind the ills that plague the world like poverty or sickness. You must have it worse because you're not getting a cheaply made Valentines Day gift. Oh the sorrow! These people are almost as bad as the folks who think that since they missed the prom, they missed a chance of a lifetime (it's fun people, nothing more than that). And no, I'm not talking about clinical depression here, I'm talking about a bunch of people who have nothing better to cry over than this. So People, chill the fuck down until you have something legitimate to want to kill yourself over.