Girly Day

Apr 01, 2006 12:12

It’s beautiful outside today and I got to sleep in until 9am this morning. Woot! I get to do some shopping for new clothes today because there are very few things in my closet that fit me now - I am still at a stalemate with the weight loss, but I also still need clothes so I don’t look homeless and baggy all the time - though there’s something to be said for the comfort of the homeless look.

I have a friend (my shopping cohort) who’s a dancer who has proclaimed that she will teach me salsa dancing since I have such an interest in it. She’s even going to lend her boyfriend to me to learn with! Mario can salsa circles around me because it’s inherent in his DNA being latin and all. He’s not a teacher though. Don’t get me wrong, I know how to get my groove on in a club when I feel it, but I’ve never danced with a partner or done anything formal. It should be good times when I can keep up with Mario when he grabs a hold of me and attempts to lead the way and then ends up watching me fall all over myself and crumple into a heap laughing at my damn self.

For those of you who’ve had children….will I EVER get the childbirth belly to GO AWAY? It’s smaller, but will it ever be anywhere close to flat again???? *sigh*

I feel like dancing - I wanna go out. Thing is that every time I do I get disappointed by the club scene. Maybe I’ll just go out anyway to do something…somewhere…somehow. Maybe shoot some pool! That’s a good idea, I’m never disappointed by that.

Must adorn face with eyeliner, shopping begins soon.
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