It's been a while

Aug 04, 2013 13:10

Hey guys, it's been forever since I've posted here, I know. And to my new friends, hi, I'm Katherine! :D I'm sure even to people I've had friended forever I seem like a stranger by now :P

Haven't been up to much lately, as summer usually goes. I did get to go to International Music Camp (IMC) a few weeks ago, and it was AMAZING fun. SO insanely difficult sometimes, but really fun! I somehow got put in the second best jazz band and best jazz combo, even though there were so many other bass players who were older and more experienced than I was >.> We were all warming up for our auditions on the first day, and we all warmed up in a room together and then went in individually for auditions. So I'm listening to all these other people play and they're playing these funk riffs, with a bunch of slapping and stuff, and I'm just like wow I'm going to get put in the bottom band with all the junior high kids, I can just tell. But then the next day comes, and we see audition results and I found out that I'm in the second best jazz band, so I was super proud of that. And then I go to combo rehearsal that evening (a combo is just small group, so a bassist, drummer, sometimes piano or vibes and then one of each: trombone, trumpet, sax. And EVERYONE has to do improvised solos D:) to find out that I'm with all kids from the HONOUR jazz band, and the drummer... oh god the drummer. I am convinced he's my soulmate, negl. He's gorgeous, and SO nice to me and kept complimenting me and I WANTED TO DIE. I was SO nervous because I hardly ever play in combos so I was super stressed out, and the whole time I'm improvising a bass line and then I had to SOLO too (although he said one of my solos was "beautiful" and I almost died with happy). But by the second day we were joking around and everything, and omg he just makes me sdofuhodhfosdfysndounsdf. Hopefully he'll be back next year :P (I have him added on facebook but of course I haven't talked to him because that requires not being a nervous wreck).

Other than that, the week was super fun, I met some really cool and fun people and of course I got to play bass all week, which I loved. That is pretty much the only exciting thing that's happened this summer, too. A party or two, but I won't mention those in an unlocked post :P But hey, relaxing, writing and playing video games is a pretty decent summer.

I really need to start updating more...

fun, journal, fangirl squee, band, bass, real life, boys boys boys, writing

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