Seven Deadly Sins Meme (Day 1)

Nov 06, 2011 20:20

Day 1 - Pride: 7 great things about yourself
Day 2 - Envy: 7 things you lack and covet
Day 3 - Wrath: 7 things that piss you off
Day 4 - Sloth: 7 things you neglect to do
Day 5 - Greed: 7 worldly material desires
Day 6 - Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures
Day 7 - Lust: 7 love secrets

1. My hair. It may not be traditionally fashionable, but its colour is always pretty cool and I always get lots of compliments right after I dye it (just redyed it a few days ago, actually).

2. My dancing. I haven't been doing it very long but IMO I'm pretty good at it.

3. Playing bass. A lot of people dismiss bass as an easy instrument, and I take pride in how good I am at playing lots of different styles, especially styles of jazz.

4. My intelligence. I'm really smart, and not afraid to flaunt it. That's that xD

5. My creativity. I'm not an artist in the traditional sense, but I love doing crafty things and playing music.

6. My strong personality. I'm not afraid to show my personality, both through what I do and what I look like.

7. I'm attractive? Supposedly. People tell me this, I sometimes believe them XD


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