Writing Stereotypes

Jan 27, 2011 19:40

heyjessiex  posted this list of stereotypes about writers on her journal, and I thought I'd see how many I matched. Bolds are ones I match, italics are ones I don't.

All writers have terrible handwriting.
I don’t have half bad handwriting, if you ask me XD It can get messy during notes though.

All writers have tortured souls.
Aha, I’m sure at least part of my soul has to be demonicly tortured to come up with the stuff I come up with.

Writers have messy houses.
My bedroom is a disaster, and every part of my house that is owned by me (music practicing corner, craft table) is messy. So, yes XD

Writers are philosophical when they talk.
I try not to be, but it slips out sometimes.

Novel writers: quiet, but crazy when you get to know them.
I’m not really that quiet, I don’t think. I got crazy down though XD

Writers are super intelligent.
I’m in an advanced program in school, so I think that means I’m pretty intelligent (although some people in my class are preeeetty dumb), and I average pretty high too.

And writers are creative.
Well, all artists (and I consider authors artists) are XD

Writers tend to forget about eating, drinking, or even going to the bathroom when they write.
I often forget to eat when it’s writing time.

Writers are horrible at math/science/school in general.
Not at all.

Fiction writers get bad grades on essays.
I got a perfect mark on the essay portion of my exam last year, so no on this too.

Writers love coffee.
It’s ok, but I much prefer hot chocolate or some Starbucks drink with espresso.

Writers own cats.
2, Socks and Oreo :D

Writers are depressed or emotional.
If emotional means that I have a lot of different happy emotions, than sure.

Writers spend much of their day alone.
A lot, although this is changing as I find more friends that I actually like to hang out with a lot outside of school.

Writer’s complain about writer’s block.

Writers write with stereotypes all the time.
Writers also spend a lot of time on TV Tropes looking at stereotypes.

Writers are weird.
Weird is good, and all writers are weird, which means all writers are awesome.

Writers can't do math.
I may not ROCK at math, but I’m not doing too shabby and have a good chance of getting into Advanced Placement next year.

Writers are really anal about spelling and grammar.
Not so much in things like LJ posts or MSN convos, but in actual creative writing, totally.

Writers are antisocial.
I don’t really think I’m antisocial, I have a lot of friends and hang out/talk to them a fair bit and I have a boyfriend and hang out with him a lot, and I love meeting new people :D

Writers talk to themselves.
This isn’t really a writer specific thing, everyone talks to themselves.

Writers are nocturnal/insomniacs.
Luckily, I inherited from my dad that I can sleep very little and still be high function.

Writers are either bisexual or asexual.
Straight. But you know… shit happens.

Writers wear scarves.
I don’t like things that cover my neck, so no.

Writers travel in packs or on our own.
This is quite obvious… because you can’t be not in a pack AND not by yourself.

Writers are romantic.
Very much so, although I don’t really like romantic films.

Writers like weird music.
Weird music is the cool stuff!

Writers always write things they know.
Not always, but a lot of the time I try to make it as close to stuff I know as possible.

Writers spend all their free time reading.
I’m starting to read less now (too much OTHER stuff to do), but I still love to read and do it a lot.

Writers always put the people around them into their stories.
Just because then I don’t have to think of a name XD

Writers can't do sports.
I can DO sports… just not well.

We will all be English majors.
Nah, I’m going into music.

We resent all forms of technology besides a pen and paper.
I can’t live without my technology.

We're all unified and hoity-toity about the "classics."
Not really.

We never go outside.
I love outside! It’s so much more fun to go bike around the neighbourhood with my friends than go see a movie when it’s nice out.

We never swear.
Not NEVER, but I don’t swear that much.

Writers only live in their heads.
I just like living in my head a lot more.

Writers have to jot down every word they hear, because it may fit into a story.
No, but I do catalogue a bunch of them in my head…

Writers are all dead, white men.
I’m an alive white teenage girl, so that’s a nooo. XD

Writers don't matter, their words do.
I think I matter…

Writers sit in coffee shops and drink lattes and write.
Not much, but I do sometimes go to the library, look around and people watch and then write about it.

Writers are pessimistic.
I’m VERY positive XD

Not true: 18
True: 24

fun, journal, meme, writing

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