So much to do!

Jan 23, 2011 20:48

Hello friends, I haven't posted for a while, but not without reason! I'm so freaking busy all the time now! I have so many things to do all the time, my to do list is about a mile long! I haven't posted a substantial post since the 15th though, so I'm taking some time to say hi to everyone! I've been reading my flist, happily no one is like... dying or anything.

I'll just post a random mash of everything I've done in the last week or two and haven't written about here, I suppose.

On Friday, I saw The Matrix for the first time (because my boyfriend had been telling me I should see it, so I torrented it and watched it with my dad and brother), and it was actually pretty good! I downloaded the second one, so I'll watch that eventually if I have time.

On Thursday I watched Home Alone in my Electronics class because we had a sub who wasn't certified to teach us, therefore movie day :( I was looking forward to doing something exciting. Home Alone was ok though, not a great movie but meh.

I saw Love and Other Drugs last weekend with my friends (don't think I posted about that yet), and it was pretty good. There were a lot of sex scenes though, most of them after the first weren't really necessary, I thought. But still, it was fun to see a movie in theaters with friends, I hadn't done that in a really long time. I went to get bubble tea at the tea house around here the next day with my best friend, which was fun too.

Uhm... I finished reading The Bone Thief (really good book, I recommend it, especially if you like forensics), and now have a nice stack of books from the library made of various ones recommended by other people. I think I'll do fine with my read 50 books in 2011 goal, same with my watch 50 new movies in 2011 goal.

I also started watching this anime called Girl's High yesterday (hey, it was in the free section of Crunchyroll on the BOXEE, and I wanted something to watch XD)

Speaking of goals for 2011, I'm not doing so well with The Great 250k Goal. I'm like 10k behind right now -.- Writing in general isn't going so well, I still haven't quite finished my Klaine exchange fic, and I REALLY need to do that, and I haven't wrote any Super Junior fanfic in a while. On the good side, I'm writing an Oliver Wood/Ginny Weasley fic that seems to be going well, I'll post that up this week hopefully.

I've also (as of... like 20 minutes ago) started writing Professor Layton fic! I only got into the fandom really recently, but I love the characters, and even though I haven't played all the games, I've finished one of them, mostly finished another and have seen the movie, and have read a bunch of character bios and such, so I think I should be able to do this justice.

Speaking of Professor Layton, I finished Diabolical Box a while ago, and I'm working on finishing ALL the puzzles and getting all the extras and such now. I bought Curious Village yesterday while out shopping for science fair equipment, and when I got home, this was what happened:

*my brother Andrew runs upstairs*
Him: Yes?
Me: Here, I bought Professor Layton and the Curious Village today. You can play it all you want, just make sure I don't play it or get my hands on it until right before I walk out the door at 6:30 on the day I go on my snowboarding trip, ok?
Him: SURE! *takes game*

So basically, the game belongs to him for the however many days until Feb 3 when I get to go on a nice 5 hours of bus ride to go snowboarding. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me XD

SPEAKING OF LAYTON AGAIN, while reading through the Layton comm here, I came up with a great idea. I still need a cosplay for next year's Central Canadian Comicon (I didn't dress up this year, I didn't find out I was going until a few days before), and so, the idea came to me easily. I will dress up AS PROFESSOR LAYTON. And my previously mentioned brother can be Luke, because he does look an awful lot like Luke.

I KNOW I'M A TEENAGE GIRL AND WHY WOULD I WANT TO COSPLAY A THIRTY SOMETHING MAN, but it's because he's cool. And has an awesome hat (which I will now have to make several of).

So there's my con costume, and Halloween (which happens to be the day after the last day of the con) costume. It's not too hard either, I just have to make the top hat (several, actually, so I can have extras, seeing as I'll wear this to school, any parties I attend, school dance, and Comicon possibly for multiple days), find a paperboy hat in blue for my brother, buy a Layton jacket, orange polo, pants, shoes, and find my brother a blue Luke sweater. It requires only the making of the hat, and just going to Value Village for the rest.


And (last Layton thing I promise), ISN'T THIS THE MOST AMAZING THING?

I WANT ONE. AND I WOULD MARRY IT. A bunch of people at the Layton comm have one and the things and poses it can do are ADORABLE. It's only 1143 yen (don't have the yen sign, can't remember how to make it XD), but then it's like Y 1200 to get it shipped here. I don't want to pay just as much as the thing actually costs to get it shipped here *.* but the 1143 price is on sale... It's usually 2200 so I suppose it's still a pretty good deal, MUCH better than getting it off sale. So maybe I'll try and find some money and buy it while it's still on sale.

Because I need it.

AND (... I lied) I've now set a bunch of my system sounds to be sound effects/voice actor quotes from the games. I'm going to record the ones I haven't found online onto my computer and distribute those eventually, so I can have a TOTALLY Laytonized computer theme.

And now I am realizing that I don't have like... ANYONE who is a Laytard on my flist so most people probably skilled this XD

I had other things to say, but the Layton spaz made me forget them...

I'll edit in anything else important if I remember, or more likely I'll just post about it in my next post.

DFTBA! (don't forget to be awesome!)

IN OTHER NEWS: If anyone on my flist is willing to beta my Klaine exchange fic for me, I will love you forever! It's only a PG rating (maybe PG-13... I'll figure out when I finish), and there's nothing trigger wise. It's quite short too, I estimate maybe 2500 words at the longest.

Uhm... that's all.

the great 250k goal, fun, fanfic, journal, nerdiness, fangirl squee, professah layton, school, writing

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