(no subject)

Jan 06, 2011 22:08

First off, I posted up that Klaine fic I wrote yesterday, and got some AMAZING comments on it. I was so touched, I was almost crying during reading some of them. So, of course, I must write a sequel. But now I will have incredibly high expectations for myself when writing it, and it will probably take a really long time, eep. But seriously, I was so insanely flattered <3 My best friend (sneezes_6) told me I'm going to become a Glee BNF (big name fan), and I actually thought about the total implausibility of that earlier XD But this motivates me to write even more, which is always a good thing.

School today was incredibly boring, but I mean, it's school, what's to be expected? XD

Real life drama is existent as always, but really, right now, I'm more laughing at it than anything else, mostly because, brain wise, I don't care. Heart-wise is a different matter, but eh.

I had a feeling that I was going to post something incredibly awesome in this post... but I totally forgot about it *facepalm*. So... you get a meme that I converted into K-pop style!

12 K-pop stars:

1. Yesung (SJ)
2. G-Dragon (BB)
3. Ryeowook (SJ)
4. TOP (BB)
5. Kyuhyun (SJ)
6. Taeyang (BB)
7. Seungri (BB)
8. Taemin (SHINee)
9. CL (2NE1)
10. Henry (SJM)
11. Sandara (2NE1)
12. Sungmin (SJ)

1. What would 12 and 1 be like in a relationship? Yemin? Weirder things have happened...

2. If 6 and 3 were to have an affair, who would top? Taeyang. Wook's a beast XD

3. 2 and 10. Totally crack or totally canon? Do they even KNOW each other? I think crack XD

4. Is 4 het or slash better? SLASH.

5. Have you ever read fanfiction of 5 and 11? Nope. Does it exist?

6. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because Seungri's abs are almost rivaling his?

7. If 8 were to cosplay, what would they be? I CAN SEE TAEMIN BEING SOMETHING REALLY GIRLY. JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. ... on another note, maybe Link from LoZ XD

8. How many beers would 1 have to chug to have a go at 12? Only a few, I can see Yesung getting drunk easily XD

9. Would 3 make a good couple with 6, or a better couple with 2? Wook can go with Taeyang.

10. 6 and 7 have to go on a fishing trip together. Would they end up getting "distracted" halfway through? Although they would never go fishing, they'd totally get distracted XD

11. Pick a Disney film to represent 2 and 10. Lady and the Tramp!

13. Pick a song to describe a 7/12 fic. Uhm... Pajama Party by Super Junior Happy!

14. Is there any evidence for 4/2? Oh yes. Loads of evidence. I mean... THEY HAVE THEIR OWN SUBGROUP.

15. How hot would 7/3 be? Very.

16. If 7 walked in on 2 and 8 performing, shall we say, "interesting" activities, what would their reaction be? Seungri would probably die.

17. What's 1's secret kink? He has looooads of secret kinks, don't you Yesungie?

18. How about 6? Taeyang finds guys with 3 letter stage names realll sexy.

19. Or perhaps 10? ... I can't think of one XD

20. What title would you assign a 1/3/5 threesome? THEY HAVE A NAME! KRY!

21. How about 2/4/6? G-TopTae

22. Or even 7/8/9? TaeRiL

23. So, 1 has a relationship with 6, but secretly wants 2. 6 knows this, and breaks up with 1 to go pursue 3, who's with 11. 11 is with 10, however, who's cheating on 11 with 8. 8 finds out and cheats with 7, who is in turn cheating on 4. 1 pursues 2, who just broke up with 5, who's now after 9. 1 gives up on this and ends up with 12, while 6 finally ends up with 3. That just makes so many WEIRD couples XD

24. Title a 6/7 western fic. Yes, western. As in cowboys, desperados and such. Taeyang/Seungri... western? Uhm... The Wide Open Range.

25. If 8/1 became canon, how would you react? That would be really unexpected, but I'd squee about it.

26. If 2 and 9 became a couple, who would top? CL.

27. What if it was 3 and 9? CL.

28. 4 and 9? CL.

29. Do you know anyone who reads 9 slash? Nope, but I'm sure people do XD

30. Or 2 het? I read 2 het XD

31. Write me a little ficcy for 5/9. ... I don't think 5/9 fic could ever happen XD

32. Write a possible summary for a fanfic involving 2/9/7. Everyone knew that CL and G-Dragon were good friends; as leaders of their respective groups it was to be expected. Seungri has always wished to be the leader, specifically for that reason.

33. Quick, 3 and 7 are cosplaying. What as? Wook is Princess Peach, Seungri is Mario. Like that image? :P

34. Have you ever seen fanart of 11 and 12? Nope XD

35. Who would be the most outraged because of the above questions? Well Riley will probably complain that I scarred her XD

fun, journal, music: super junior, music: bigbang, fangirl squee, music: k-pop, music: 2ne1, music: shinee, meme, writing

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