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tagged by Stephen [12 Feb 2007|04:50pm]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | Natalie Imbruglia - One More Addiction ]
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: pepermint ice cream with crushed oreos, nutter butter cookies and whipped cream
I had it once when I was high, and it's my favorite fat-kid food ever now.
Literary: Any book I thoroughly enjoyed reading before sophomore year in high school Things like The Giver, Stargirl and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. They make me remember happier times.Audiovisual: The Fox and The Hound True under appreciated Disney classic. It makes me weep everytime
Musical: Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle It's still catchy and meaningful to me.
Celebrity: Johnny Depp ...he's Johnny Depp. Come on.
Now I tag:-
lacynoelle nomdelamer losingitall hightops_mal and
toastnham to complete this same Quiz, Its