New job, New home, new life.

Oct 19, 2009 21:25

So it's been a trek recently getting things done. I quit Panera to start looking for another job to where I'm moving. I luckily had a lot of opprotunities and I can happily say I am a new Employee and JOANNE FABRICS! :DDD

SO yeah guise, I can already hear you whoring me for discounts! lol <333

I've been packing up my stuff and constantly running out of either boxes or packing tape lol. Most of my stuff is already in a box accept for my clothes. I'll be moving more of my stuff in this weeked (I.E. my actual furniture) I'm contemplating as to whether I should mov Oliver in sooner then I thought.... but then again maybe it would be best for him to be with me until I finally leave. He's such a mama's boy XD

The area is really nice. I like that everything is pretty easy to find and everyone seems really cheery. I'll aslo be around more of my friends so it will keep me from feeling less sad. Nick and I want to be adults about all of this. I know we;ll be able to see eachother on our days off and even when we go out on trips together. But I know it will be a little hard at first.

I'm looking forward to starting over. :)
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