Wooo nessy!

Sep 29, 2009 15:56

Yeah so I really don't want this to be a "omgmylifesucksi'm soyoung and idon't knowwhattodoBAWWWW" post, but you know I've been feeling it lately.

The recent money problems I ran into with 500$ in over draft fees has been affecting me pretty bad. I found another bank but man I tell you I don't think I've ever felt this pressure before! I get paid from both jobs wednesday thankfully, but I gotta get a new checking account by thursday to pay for my car insurance... and then my stupid gym memebership which I'm quiting.... and the my phone bill.... I'll be okay, I know it! My parents have been insisting I move back in with them, but I really feel like I'll be okay living at Bunny's place.

I mean, hey, I know my limits. I know when enough is enough.But I really don't think I'm at a breaking point yet. To be honest with you, I think I've just begun. I really hope I can make it. I don't want to be sheltered. I want to be independant and feel good about it. Yeah, I'd love to be a kid again, but you know what I also want the freedom that someone my age can finally have.

So yeah, that's enough venting on that little subject :)

Now to move onto "Allidoistalkaboutcosplayjelousefattysandyvaginavendettachan" XD

I'm really excited for supercon this week! I get to hang out with some great friends and have fun with some good ol' DOA action! I finally finished Ariel...But I am so nervous about her! I mean in my eyes I dont think it looks terrible, but I'm afriad of going into judgeing and feeling like "what the hell am I thinking!" XD

I'm hopinh everything will make up from itself just from me doing a Disney character. I love Disney <3333

I would also love the chance to wear my new Silk Spectre II costume. Though I admit I cheated. I bought it lol. But I only want to wear it for fun, no other reason. It's really supposed to be my halloween costume.

I can't wait to see everyone. I miss chuuuuuu!!! :(
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