Oct 28, 2005 13:45
Hello, all, finally got power back, and decided I'd post since it's been a while, but as you all know, I drop off the face of the LiveJournal planet often. The past few days have been cool, chillaxed with sam sam a lot, saw doom, really kool, alot like the game, I'm very surprised they pulled it off. Bought a cool game for the DS called Trace Memory where a chick though her dad had been dead since she was three, but finds out he's been on an island researching human memories and he wants to see her so she goes to the island that has it's own dark past and meets a ghost who can't remember his life or how he died, so she sets off into this island to find out the dark things that happened there and try to find her father and the truth about her past.
Sounds pretty cool right? It was. I finished it in two days during the hurricane since I had nothing better to do cuz fort myers is THE ONLY PLACE IN FUCKING LEE COUNTY THAT LOST POWER. Anywho, it was very cool, much better than anything else that has come out for the DS that I've played so far, but it was very short especially considering all the things they could have done with it. It played alot like a shadowgate/mist type thing, only mist was boring as fuck and this was cool so I lean towards a shadowgate analogy more. Games of that nature usually are pretty short since examining random settings gets old after a while.
Spent something like a week at Dave's house, he worked with sam at walmart till sam quit ((WHOOT WHOOT!!! WALMART SUCKS!!)) anywho, he had a lan at his house saturday night and I stayed over there with sam chillin watchin movies playin games, went home sunday night cuz my mom was flippin out over the huricane, went back around 2 on monday because as I mentioned before cape had power and we did not, hung out there with spam till 9 cuz of curfew and came home, went back the next day to chill with spam and dave again and watched the family guy movie and what not, spent the night at sam's with him and watch law and order ((I love that show, I missed it so much when I was home without power or cable)) then just hung out the next day till I came home.
Finished the Awakening for Mrs. Knox's class like a week early, at first I hated it and thought it was kinda pointless and dragged a bit, but after a while you really get into the character and her emotions a lot and its actually really sad, I felt so angry at the end even though this book has an uber famous ending that I've known about since freshman year, but even before the ending happens in the last few chapters, just knowing it's gunna happen and it doesn't have to pissed you off so much. Overall it was worth the read if you can drag yourself through the first few chapters.
Have to go to work today, have to get ahold of sam too, cuz he needs to work with me. Saw Chris Bussaeus the other day... ((SO HOT!! *drools*)) he's on leave from the army till tomorrow then he goes off to risk his life in Iraq. He hates the army btw and advises no one to join unless they intend to screw the army over. He says the benefits ar all colored up till you join then you're stuck and all the benefits have a catch. He says he recomends joining with an ailment like asthma or something and lying about it so they don't know, and later be like "OMG I have asthma" cuz then you get medically discharged and the government pays you for the rest of your life. He says he's an antirecruiter because they tell you how the army is good and won't screw you, while he tells you how to screw the army. He's so hot though... very strong... very down to earth... very cool... People use to get him and sam mixed up in high school cuz they looked similar and I'll admit they do, my only sway on who's hotter at any given moment is whoever is curently taking care of themselves the best, you know keeping up with the upkeep. Of course my heart is always sammy's though. So I give him permanent title of biggest hottie by default.
So anywho-ha now that my PC is up and running again I'll update more often, for now I must depart. ciou bitches.