Mar 04, 2006 17:46
+ my brothergreg gave me money for my prom dress and my bro chris got me an outfit for senior banquet.
+ i feel drained... emotinaly physicaly and god knows what else i think i will go to bed early. i want to go smoke a cig but my bro has seen me smoke 2 today. no good.
- still thinking debating a lil upset about the fact i feel like the past is repeating itself. marcelo is calling me saying how he is sry and misses me and wants to start over. does he realy think i'll fall for it again. its tempting. cause i believe people cahnge but hell if he has i guess i'll never know. kinda of the same way w/ me and steph... lil by lil i change but i guess she'll never know.
- i have sever socail anxiety now when i am w/ new people i flip out. it get worse and worse w/ each group i become apart of i always manage to fuck up. i just want to go to college start over. cause there the onlhy person that will know my sicking past is me.
question: will i always b known as the whore of whs, class of 2006? and am i the only one that thinks that poorly of myself?