Must Kill Somthing

Aug 12, 2007 23:59

Well, I have moved...not very far mind you but far enough so that I can now see the ocean once more. Although in moving I have lost something/s  that matter a great deal to me. Not for their value as an item but for the data that they control and because of that I am really pissed off! Mostly do to the fact that it has some small part to deal with the moving company. Of course they are being as helpful as a rock on speed....yeah that doesn't make sense to me but what ever. Anyway I am now missing my laptop and 300gb hard drive. *evil glare of doom* needless to say I have been Very bitter.  Yet on the bright side I did find a iMac at a flea market for 10 bucks that is running OS X. Although I am thinking that it too might have been stolen due to the fact of the data that is on it. (Who uses a last name for a password?) anyway that made me feel a bit better. Yet I know now that if I had just taken the laptop to work with me OR given it to someone OR just stayed home that day I would have saved my self a few phone calls and a police report.  Meh not much I can do about it yet Tomorrow I will start looking again in pawn shops around where the movers live. Luckly for me though that I have my laptop password protected (Go me) and who ever took my hard drive forgot the power cord (Baka)  And if you are at  all wounding what I am typing from it is the computer I had for most of high school but messed up in soooooo many ways. I need to get a new copy of XP and then office as well (damn you Microsoft) Well it still runs. Then of course I am now getting my fathers old laptop (that at one point was mine) and that too needs work. Well I', swimming in computers without any of the right  data. *sigh* Still it's better then nothing.

So last week I got a week off and went to the beach. Friday I get a call from my mother telling my that one of my High School friends died this morning by trying to avoid a deer and ran into a tree. Needless to say it made my day very unhappy. Yet that day was weird in it self because I remember waking up with a head ache and the ink of my tattoo seemed to burn like I had a sunburn on my leg yet I hadn't really gotten much sun. Didn't think about it much at the time yet now it seems like it was saying something.  It reminded me of my dream of my uncle the night he died. (That was great fun as well *note the huge amount of sarcasm* )

All of this made me think to do a reading....that I haven't done yet.

Another note I am debating on selling my '67 Mustang due to the rise in maintaining. So any takers?

Also My sister
emberleo thought I should change my name. I agree in the fact that I should make a name of my own that means little bit more then just the one I have that I made up on the fly. Any ideas for that anyone?

Enough of that.


rant, death, car, computer

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